[Music]we all want to lose fat and stay healthybut with all these diet pills and planswhat does science have to say aboutweight loss tips let's get the obviousout of the way first exercise not onlydoes the physical active exercise burncalories immediately science hasrecently found that it continues to burnfat while you sleep during exercise yourbody uses up most of its availablecarbohydrates for energy and replacesthem over the next 24 hours in the
fat stores for basic functions such aswalking talking and even sleeping don'tskip meals especially breakfast weexplained in our last video the sciencebehind appetite when you starve yourselfyour body and brain create intense urgesto eat high-calorie foods as opposed tohealthy options breakfast specificallyhelps to keep blood sugar and hormonelevels regular and gives your metabolisma boost to burn more calories throughthe day adding more protein and low-fatdairy to your diet helps as well protein
pyy which goes to the brain andsuppresses hunger signals simply adding10 percent more protein to your food cankeep you full much longer low-fat dairyon the other hand contains calcium whichbinds to other fats you've eaten andcreates a soup-like substance whichcan't be absorbed instead your bodyexcretes the soup and with it more ofthe fat you consumed speaking of soupit's perhaps one of the best keptdieting secrets when you drink a glassof water with your meal the fluid is
digested which quickly brings down thestomach size making you feel hungry takethat same meal and puree it in a blenderand the fluids have a much harder timebeing absorbed quickly this means yourstomach stays expanded making you feelfull for longer count your caloriesstudies show that people who activelydocument their food intake by using ajournal have drastic improvements overthose who don't furthermore knowing acoffee is 10 calories but a cappuccinois 100 gives you the opportunity to
taking in less calories and while it mayseem trivial reducing your plate sizecan drastically change your food intakestudies show that a simple change from12 to 10 inches can reduce the amount offood you eat by up to 22 percent ourbodies have a hard time turning downfood in front of us even when we're fullso the less food on your plate thebetter finally sleep and stress play alarge factor in how much we eat bothsleep deprivation and stress levelsincrease appetite making it harder to
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