[Music]three-day military diet will help youshrink out of your clothesthe military diet is a short-term foodplan that claims to help you lose up to10 pounds in a week what's even betteryou get to eat hot dogs and ice creamlet's get to it and see what thismagical diet is all about but before westart don't forget to subscribe to ourchannel and turn on notifications so youwon't miss a thing[Music]
diet and why is it so popularwell one of the coolest things aboutthis diet is that it lasts only threedays as you've probably already guessedand by sticking to it you can lose up to10 pounds in pretty much no time at allhowever you can achieve these impressiveresults only if you follow the eatingplan to a tthis diet is surprisingly really easy tofollow and doesn't demand much on yourpart you don't need to constantly countcalories spend hours at the gym or buy a
supplements the military diet calls foringredients you can easily find at yournearest grocery storeand how exactly does it work no miraclesjust pure metabolism kickstarting bydecreasing your calorie intake over ashort period your body will burn morefat and as a result you'll lose weighteffortlessly it's definitely not yourtypical starvation diet while it is lowin calories it provides you with theenergy you need to have a productive daysince it includes healthy fats
theory let's look at your menu for thenext three daysday onestart your day with a hot caffeinatedbeverage such as a cup of coffee or teamake yourself one slice of toast it'seven better if it's whole grain with twotablespoons of peanut butter and don'tforget to grab exactly half a grapefruityeah get ready for some funkycombinations your lunch will be a bitsimilar a cup of hot coffee or tea witha slice of toast and half a cup of tuna
only work if you strictly follow all therules finally for dinner you should haveabout 85 grams of any meat it can beboiled or steamed sorry no fried chickenallowed add one cup of green beans halfa banana and one small apple to yourmeal as well you can also treat yourselfwith one cup of vanilla ice cream itwon't hurt your diet plan at all plusyou totally deserve it for yourwillpowerday twoyour breakfast on the second day of the
again whole grain is desirablethen change things up a little bit withone hard-boiled egg and half a bananawhen it's time for lunch eat one morehard-boiled egg five saltine crackersand one cup of cottage cheese don'tworry it'll give you all the energy youneed and will fill your stomach up morethan you think dinner on day two is alittle moreinteresting your final meal for the dayshould include two hot dogs yep that'sright not one but two hot dogs best diet
them as is no bun or condiments sorrybalance that out with a half cup ofcarrots a cup of broccoli and half abanana which you can again cover withhalf a cup of vanilla ice cream causeyou're the boss of your own lifeday threethe third and final day of your strictdiet plan starts with five saltinecrackers a slice of cheddar cheese andone small apple again the portion sizemight seem like nothing but it'llactually give your body all the
day your lunch should be simple as wellsurprise surprise it'll consist of justa slice of whole grain toast and one eggthe last day of dieting is really lightbut still nutritious the same simplicitygoes for your dinner today it's a cup oftuna and your favorite part half abanana with a whole cup of vanilla icecream and on this note your diet plan isdoneremember if you want to achieve the bestresults follow the diet for three daysand then eat normal food for the next
few days it'll only bring back all thatweight you worked so hard to lose repeatthe three-day military diet every fourdays for several weeks in a row untilyou reach your goal it's even better tostick to this eating plan for a wholemonththere are some additional tips to makethis diet even more effectivefirst of all make it a habit to startyour day with a glass of water actuallygo ahead and drink two glasses of waterbefore every meal this is great for your
and two water is known to beexceptionally filling as a result itkeeps your body hydrated flushes outicky toxins and reduces your appetitehelping you to feel full longer anddon't forget to drink water during thefour days of normal eating too you knowwhat just always drink water the stuff'sgood for yousecondly find yourself a diet buddy sothat you can control and motivate eachother it's always great to have somebodyby your side who can help you keep it up
if you do this you're way more likely tosucceed so share this video with yourfriends and see who'd like to take thischallenge with you strength in numbersyou know thirdly and most importantlyseverely restricting calories isn'tsuitable for everyone it's always a goodidea to consult your doctor beforetrying any new diet whether it's rightfor you or not depends entirely on yourhealth and that information can only beprovided to you by your physician sodon't be lazy and give the doc a visit
advice when you're looking to makedrastic changes to your health andeating have you ever been on a diet didit help are you gonna give this one ashot don't be shy sound off in thecomments section below remember toalways stay on the bright side of lifetake care of yourself and we'll see yousoonyou