dieting so that you can burn fat fromstubborn areas like your belly lovehandles and hipscan be really challenging becausecutting your calories can easily leaveyou feeling deprivedhungry and miserable but the good newsis that there are foods that taste greatand can help fill you up for almostzero calories so today i want to go over20 of the best foodsthat fall under this category startingfirst with shirataki noodles
konjac noodles or miracle noodlesand they're called miracle noodles for areason these noodles are uniquebecause they are very filling yet verylow in caloriesjust an 8 ounce serving contains onlyabout 20 caloriesmeanwhile the same amount of regularpasta could cost you as much as 300calorieson top of the fact that shiratakinoodles are low in calories the caloriescome
eat insoluble fiber you end up taking infewer calories in the form of carbscompared to other forms of carbohydrateslike soluble fiber and starchesthis is because this type of fiberdoesn't get absorbed entirelyto be exact you'll only absorb about 1.5calories per gram of insoluble fibercompared to the four grams that youwould absorb if you were eating aregular carbohydrate full of starches orsugarinstead so this means that for an eight
you'll effectively only end up with anet intake of seven and a halfcalories making these noodles one of thebest carbohydrates for burning fatand one of the best weight loss foods ingeneral another carbohydrate that'ssimilar is slim rice and it can be usedas an alternative to shirataki noodlesit only contains about seven to ninecalories for every 100gram serving to put that intoperspective the same amount of brownrice would cost you a little over 110
slim rice is also gluten free and madefrom non-gmo konjac flourthis is the same ingredient that is usedin shirataki noodlesbut you can eat it in rice form insteadwhich might be more suitable for certainmealsand the good news is that the textureand consistency of this product issimilar to regular ricenow since most veggies are also very lowin calories it might not be a bad ideato try steaming some vegetables
for an almost calorie free mealyou should know that there are also manyclaims about konjac root having appetitesuppressing effectsunfortunately more studies are needed toconfirm thisbut if it does help suppress yourappetite on top of being really low incaloriesthen it could really help with fat losseven more especially if you're findingyourself hungry throughout the daynext we have the cucumber cucumbers are
very high in water content which helpsfill you up 97of a cucumber is made up of water and ahundred gram serving of cucumbercontains only 15 calories which makes iteasy to add cucumbers to your dietwithout bumping up your caloric intakeby muchon top of that research indicates thatcucumbers may help reduceand control blood sugar levels which canhelp reduce hunger cravings caused byirregular blood sugar levels for weight
cucumberunpeeled because it'll increase theamount of fiberhelping you feel full for longer and theskin contains much of the vitamins andminerals as well another very lowcalorie food happens to be sugar-freejell-othis tasty snack contains only five toten calories and can help you satisfyyour sweet toothwithout skyrocketing your caloric intakeaside from the low amount of calories
to help reduceappetite and increase the feelings offullnessthere are also brands that contain nopreservatives atall and if you buy the jello pouches youcan easily take them on the go with youwherever you gonext we have zucchini and not only iszucchini mostly made up of waterbut it can be used to replace one of thehighest calorie carbspasta all you need is a spiralizer and
zucchini noodlesthese noodles can be used in manydelicious low calorie mealsone simple option for example is to cookthem add salsa and a little bit ofparmesan cheeseand there are plenty of other lowcalorie options like pesto zucchinipastathat'll blow your mind zucchini containsonly 17 calories per 100 grams meanwhilethe same amount of pasta contains 131calories and it's much less filling
research indicates that zucchini mighthelp reduce and regulate blood sugarlevelswhich can be beneficial for managinghunger cravings nowgoing back to cucumbers an alternativeand for our next foodwe have pickles a whole cup of picklesonly has 17 calories and onemedium-sized picklecontains only about one gram of carbssince pickles are fermented in brinethey offer a unique flavor to your diet
example if you're craving a sweet tasteyou can get bread and butter spears withno sugar added and they'll only cost youaround five to seven calories per spearthe one thing that you do want to becareful with is the high amount of saltbecause it can lead to bloatingbut unless you need to look your verybest very soonthat water weight can easily be flushedout later next is one of my favoritefruits and that's watermelonnow even though watermelon doesn't have
for a typical fruitit contains only 30 calories per 100gram serving which is about equivalentto two-thirds of a cupthis makes watermelon an excellentweight loss friendly foodfor example one study found that if youhave overweight people eat two cups ofwatermelon dailythey generally end up consuming fewercalories than they otherwise wouldcausing them to lose fat over timeon the other hand if these overweight
calories in the form of cookiesthey would feel a lot less full whichcaused them to overeat and gain fatthis led the researchers to theconclusion that eating watermelon dailycould help reduce body weight bmi andblood pressureone big reason why watermelon isexcellent for weight loss is thatas the name implies it contains a lot ofwater92 percent to be exact this high watercontent causes the stretch receptors in
to be activated and that sends signalsto your brainindicating that your stomach is fullleading to a reduction in caloricintake another green vegetable that'smade up of 96water is lettuce there are all differentkinds of lettuce butwhat they have in common is that theyare all very low in caloriesevery 100 gram serving of lettuce onlyprovides an average of 17 caloriesmaking it an excellent food for
weight lossnow if you want to select the lettucevariety with the lowest caloric valueyou can go for either butter headlettuce or red leaf lettuceboth contain only about 13 calories per100 gram servingnext on our list is chewing gum now iknow technically chewing gum isn't afood since you don't swallow itbut if you're looking for a way toreduce cravings between mealsconsider sugar-free chewing gum which
per pieceresearch from the university of rhodeisland showed that people who chewed gumconsumed 68 fewer calories at lunch andthey didn't end up compensating byeating more later on in the daychewing gum also help the studyparticipants satisfy their cravingsand resist high calorie snacks just keepin mind there are nowmany delicious chewing gum flavors outthere and if you're notcareful you definitely won't be doing
pack of chewing gum all at oncenext we have a super low calorievegetable that is often used as a snackwhen dieting celery celery once againhas a very high water content it's about95water and contains only 14 calories per100 gramsinterestingly aside from assisting withweight loss it might provide additionalbenefits for menfor example one study found thatsupplementing with celery leaf extract
which is beneficial for fertilityon top of that data indicates thatcelery might help you control your bloodpressurelikely because it contains nitrates thiscan also help with one of the major sideeffects of having high blood pressurewhichis erectile dysfunction now moving on toa low calorie beveragei want to talk about diet soda now for awhile many nutritionists startedbelieving that diet soda was actually
even though it's almost virtuallycalorie free the reason why was becauseartificial sweeteners were believed toincreasehunger along with sugar cravings but ifwe look at the data it turns out thatsome artificial sweeteners can actuallybe beneficial for weight lossfor example one study compared theeffects of water andwater sweetened with zero calorieartificial sweetenersand they aimed to see how each of these
12-week periodthey also even followed up for a fullyear after the study to see how theparticipants maintained the weight lossultimately the results showed that thesweetener group lostmore fat and regained less of it overtime during maintenanceand in contrast to what you might expectthe sweetener groupwas less hungry overall during the dietand they had better dietary compliancethis showed researchers that sweeteners
for weight loss and for maintenance butaside from weight losswhat about the effect that thesesweeteners have on your healthwell in general artificial sweetenersare not harmful as long as you don'ttake in morethan the maximum recommended amount asshown by a wide range of studiesthe only controlled studies that havebeen able to find side effects sincethese theories emergedare in studies on animals that would
more of the sweetener than any saneperson ever wouldoften going a hundred or even more thana thousand times above the maximumrecommended daily amountnext i want to give you another greatvirtually calorie free vegetablebok choy which is a chinese whitecabbage variation that fallsinto the cruciferous vegetable categoryalong with other vegetables like kalebrussels sprouts and broccolibok choy is made up of about 95 water
13 calories per 100 gram serving it'salso a great addition to soups whichsoup in itself tends to score low incalories while scoring high in relationto filling up your stomachmoving on we have a vegetable that'sactually not green but it's still one ofthe bestvirtually calorie free foods the radishradishes are full of potassium vitaminb6and vitamin c they're 95 water and theycontain about 16 calories per 100 grams
excellent for your teethgums nerves hair and nails throwing theminto a salad can help add some flavorwithout the additional calories next onour list wehave the wide variety of walden farmscalorie free dressingsas you might have noticed many of thefoods we've covered so far arewater-rich vegetables such as cucumberszucchini lettuce celery bok choy andradishesso what would be a better near
than a saladwell one addition that often turns alow-calorie salad into a calorie loadeddisasteris the dressing that goes along with itsalad dressings often contain largeamounts of oils that can significantlyincrease the caloric value of any givenmealfortunately you do have alternatives atyour disposalfor example walden farms offerscalorie-free salad dressings that
carbs or sugars they offer a wide rangeof dressingsincluding calorie free french dressingbacon dressingbalsamic vinaigrette raspberryvinaigrette and much much morejust keep in mind if you dump a ton ofdressing into your salad you will stilllikely addcalories remember the calorie free labelis based on the serving size indicatedon the bottleso feel free to add some just don't dump
into your salad and actually anothergreat vegetable that can also be throwninto your salad that i didn't mentionbeforeis watercress just like many of theother vegetables it's made up of 95water it also contains nitrates andwe've already talked about the benefitsthat these provide for blood pressurebut dietary nitrates can also helpimprove exercise performanceby relaxing blood vessels and increasingnitric oxide levels
delivery to your musclesalso for dieting purposes it doesn'thurt that watercress only contains about11 calories per 100 gramsnext i want to mention some super lowcalorie condiments that'll add flavorwhile helping with fat loss mustard onlyhas 3 calories per packet or perteaspoonfrank's red hot or most hot sauce ingeneral has virtually zero calorieshorseradish sauce only has about sixcalories per tablespoon
tablespoon heinz reduced sugar ketchuponly has one gram of sugar and fivecalories per tablespoonsoy sauce contains only nine caloriesand about one to two grams of proteinper tablespoonso these are all super low calorieflavorful condiments that you can add toyour mealsmoving on to another fruit that's low incalories andgreat for fat loss we got the kiwi fruitper fruit you'll get on average just 42
grams are in the form of dietary fibermany people experience hunger cravingsin the evening andif you're on a diet those cravings mighteven become so severethat it becomes tough to fall asleep ifthat applies to youyou should know that research shows thateating kiwis before bed can help youfall asleepfor example in a study whereparticipants ate two kiwi fruitsone hour before bedtime every night for
researchers found that they fell asleepfaster experiencedbetter quality sleep and they slept forlongerultimately they concluded that kiwifruit could help people getto sleep and stay asleep next we have afruit that's often confused for avegetablethe tomato tomatoes are also made up of95water and even though many people avoidthem when dieting
gramstomatoes are also one of the bestsources of vitamin c and beta-carotenewhich both support heart health they'realso great for your eyes skinand immunity because they're loaded withlysopeneas well as a bunch of vitamins includingvitamin k b1 b2 b3 b5 and b6tomatoes actually bring us to our nextsuper low calorie foodtomato soup tomato soup can be excellenton a diet because it's very effective at
of space in the stomach without costinga lot of caloriesof course it does depend on where youget it or how you make your tomato soupwhile there are some good pre-madetomato soups in the supermarketmany of them contain additions thatspike up the caloriesso ideally you'll want to make ityourself instead the good news is thatit's really easystart by mixing 500 grams or about 17ounces of canned whole tomatoes and
and add one chicken stock cube thenbring it to a boil in a large saucepanor a potonce it's boiling sprinkle in a bit ofstevia and seasonings like garlic toimprove the tasteand that's all there is to it you'll nowhave a filling bowl of soup that hasonly about 59 calorieslast but not least we have the bestcalorie free beverage and that's waternot only does water have zero caloriesbut it can help reduce hunger and assist
for example research shows that peoplethat drink water frequently wind uptaking in nine percent fewer calories onaverage data also shows that it'sespecially beneficial to drink waterbefore your mealsone study found that drinking 500milliliters of water or about 17 ounces30 minutes before breakfast loweredtotal calorie intake by 13so try to down a glass of water wheneating one or more of the near caloriefree foods
are 20 of the best lowest calorie foodsnow i want to provide an example of howyou can put all of this togetherto create a full course meal consistingofhardly any calories so as an exampleyou can start by drinking a glass ofwater at the beginning of your mealthen start your meal with the tomatosoup recipe that i just went over beforenext you'll create a low calorie noodlesalad by boiling shirataki noodlesand a bunch of your favorite low calorie
broccoli or cauliflower and serve itwith a calorie-freewalden farms dressing finally finish offthe meal with a piece of watermelon orkiwiif you have an average size serving ofall of this you'll end up with a highlysatiating full course mealcontaining only around 150 calories intotalso that about wraps it up guys i reallyhope this video has helped you outif it has make sure you subscribe to the
with burning fat or losing weightyou should definitely head on over to mywebsite and take my fat loss challengeyou'll get a customized diet plan arecipe book a full workout plan and anaccountability coach to mentor and guideyoualso as an added bonus if you're likemany of my clients that are losing 20pounds or 5 percent of their body fat injust six weeksi'll give you the challenge and all thematerials for free
the description oryou can visit my website directly atgravitytransformation.comi'll see you guys soon[Music]you