Salamat Dok: Healthy weight loss

in today's episode of hell theory withdrew Manning we discuss Drew's journeyof gaining and losing 75 pounds onpurpose why mindset is critical forphysical transformation how to bevulnerable and why you should be open toexperimenting with your diet everybodywelcome to health theorytoday's guest is drew Manning the NewYork Times bestselling author of fit tofat to fit he slathered on 75 pounds offat and lost it again to gain empathyand understanding for his training

else that his theories on diet andexercise were actually correct theadventure not only changed him it landedhim his own TV show and made him one ofthe most recognizable people in fitnessand what I want to know man is whatsurprised you about that journey it's agood question it was how much of thattransformation was more mental emotionalthan just physical because I went intothis journey thinking oh you know I'mgonna get fat and then I'm gonna get fitand it's gonna be a physical thing but I

transformation is so much more mentalemotional and then people think and ifyou've never been overweight mostly whatyou can relate to is the physical sideof weight loss right eat less and workout you know that right you got thatyou've lived that but the mentalemotional side you haven't lived thatuntil you've kind of been down this pathso for me my eyes were opened I realizejust how wrong I was with trying to helppeople right and did you mean yourstrategies were actually bad because you

were just incompletethey were just focused on the physicalso someone was struggling with theirtransformation I'm like okay they'vechanged up your macros change up yourcalories change up your workouts that'sthe missing component right that's whatI focus on because that's all I knewrather than trying to help them on themental and emotional side which is whatpeople struggle with right I thinkpeople it's not so much a lack ofknowledge right people know they need to

application on the mental emotional sideand the consistency of living thatlifestyle over over time and that'swhere people struggle is is maintainingas a lifestyle change which is more uphere than it is in the gym or in thekitchen so I want to really define whatyou mean by mental and emotionalso what is it that people are strugglingwith an attachment to food the emotionalreward of eating like what is ityeah and it's different for each personthe thing that I realized was was how

food really iswhereas before I'm like look it's notthat hard you just you know stop eatingthe junk food put down the soda you goto the gym every day what's wrong likeit's not that harduntil they lived it even even though itwas only for just six months when Iswitched and tried to lose the weightthat emotional connection of food wasway more powerful even for me as atrainer someone who lived their wholelife healthy and my body went through

like a drug addict I won't say it wasaddicted some people are truly addictedbut for me just being aware of howpowerful that emotional connection tofood really is what do you do when youhave cravings or you know when you whenyou eat your emotions when you're sad oryou're happy we celebrate or we had twostressful days we're like you know whatI deserve wine and chocolate tonightbecause I had a stressful day so how doyou help people through that so I grewup in a morbidly obese family so I know

and/or celebration in food how do youhelp them dive into that like do you getlike psychological and actually almostlike a therapist walk them through thatstuff so there's obviously a physicalcomponent of transformation so that youhelp them with the physical side but Ithink you know it's like 10% that 90%help them with the mental emotional sideand how I do that is put it in supportgroups right so it's not just me becauseI'm still a fit guy and it's puttingthem in a support group where they it's

struggles their successes their failuresand receive that encouragement and theempathy that love and that peopleletting them know that they're worth itto continue to fight for their health soin researching you and coming acrossthis whole notion of self love and selfworth it's so interesting to me howcaught up in all of this that is howoften do you see where somebody's reallystruggling with with that like there'salmost a conflict of I'm not worthpushing through and getting to my goal I

struggle with their health some peoplereally don't feel like they're worthyand how do you convince someone thatthey are worthy I still don't know it'sit's still up to themit has to be their idea I can't tellsomeone they're beautiful they have totruly believe that they're beautifulthey have to truly believe that they'reworth it it's you know hope that bytelling them and putting them in a groupwhere other people are telling them aswell that they will find that inner

you know inception to come up with thatidea themself like maybe I am worthymaybe you know I can do hard things thehealth and fitness industry in myopinion hasn't used this fully yet andthat's kind of what my hope is with fittight fit is to use empathy as a toolbecause I feel like empathy can bridgethat gap between people that feel likethey're stuck and they feel judged bysociety and they feel judge and andlooked down upon by people who areskinny and naturally fit people are

know their trainer or coach if thatperson has that empathy and can reallycome down til they're level walk intheir shoes a little bit and reallyunderstand where they're coming from andthen they'll be more willing to listento the advice that you have and thephysical tools or hacks that you have tohelp them along their their journey yousaid something really interesting yousaid maybe I am worthy maybe I can dothe hard things do you think there'ssome tie between a willingness or having

the hard things is that tied to a senseof self-worth like do you think thatthose two feed each other yeah I thinkthey do feed each other I don't knowwhich one comes first I think it'sdifferent for each person but I thinkyou know if someone for example like isis on a physical transformation andthey're trying to get healthy if theyhave these small wins in their liferight like I did my first Burpee or Idid my first push-up or pull-up or youknow I healthy for a whole day these

accomplishment helped build thatconfidence of maybe I can do hard thingsI recently had this guy from Nashvillecome out to work with me you know hestarted out 600 pounds he's been doingketo intermittent fasting is down to 450pounds and the thing that gravitated himto me and my brand was the whole empathything and understanding where he'scoming from because he felt judged by byother people and so he's like drew onlyone want to work with you we took him tothis place called Jim Jones in Salt Lake

and they trained Supermanand so these celebrities andokay we're going here and he was likescared to death he's like three you'retrying to kill me I'm like no I'm notgonna kill you like I understand thatwe're gonna start out slow but um youknow I had him do modifications to thethings that we were doing in the workoutand it was hard for him but at the endof the day as they drew like he startedcrying as I drew a like this was thebest thing for me like being able to do

able to do like a modified push-ups he'slike I haven't moved my body in in yearsand I think after he came out here likehe was super confident and and I had himsay these positive affirmations tohimself like I can do hard things ashe's doing the workout I can do hardthings as he's doing farmers carries andwanted to give up but he pushed harderand if I can get him to believe that hecan do hard things even though it'ssmall at first then it's gonna helpmotivate him and push him you know when

oh that's impossible there's no way Icould do that but now he's like maybe Ican't do that dude yeah like I'mabsolutely obsessed with the notion ofearning credibility with yourself yeahwhere you say you're gonna do somethingyou do it you push yourself to dosomething that's difficult you stickwith it and I think I don't know thatI've ever really put a super fine pointon what what is the birthplace of selfworth but if you were gonna force me todo it yeah doing hard things is almost

probably not the sum total yeah but thewillingness is stick through it andactually do the hard things is almostcertainly like the core of that yeah sohow do you somebody that isn't comingand they're not working with you and youhave to do it remotely what would youprescribe to them to do to show themthat they can do the hard things tobegin building that self-worth yeah putall these many challenges throughout themonth like okay you guys this monthwe're gonna focus sometimes as a

hey guys for 30 days I want to challengeyou to do maybe three to five positiveaffirmations every single day and allyou're saying to yourself is I can dohard things or I am worthy or I lovemyself and I'm proud of Who I am it'snot a direct you know cause of weightloss but if you can set yourself up forthis win that's going to help you setset that's gonna help set you up forthese other ones down the road when itcomes to the workout you're going to dothis month

trying to do for that month because thenyou realize man I can't do hard thingseven if you don't believe it at firstand that's the thing people really don'tbelieve positive affirmations at firstbecause they've had 30 40 years ofnegative self-talk and now you're tryingto tell them you know just say thesethings out loud to yourself words havepower and they can actually change yourbeliefs and they can actually change youat the cellular level the more you saythem consistently so I think there's

yourself to yourself every single dayand so that's that's one thing that I doin these private Facebook groups tobuild up confidence and and convincethat person that they can do hard thingsdude so I'm obviously way into self-talkthe narrative that you tell yourselfabout yourself what do you tell peoplewhen they're like but I don't believe itand so is it just well repeating it isthe key here and so it's part of theprocess of beginning to believe or doyou have something else that help

asking me to say something that Ifundamentally think is false yeah and Ithink for some people it does work wherethe more consistent they say it out loudto themselves they do eventually believeit because honestly that was mytestimonial I've been through this in adifferent way not from a physicaltransformation but self-worth negativeself-talk for me saying it out loudhelped me believe it's primarily thefirst time I said a positive affirmationI had goosebumps and I almost started

it was weirdso for me just kind of telling you myown testimony of this it's changed mylife 100% saying positive words can helpset you up for positive winds throughoutthe day in other areas of your life so Iwant to go to your journey withself-talk Tim so episode 100 of yourpodcast beyond amazing by the wayabsolutely incredible and obviouslyspeaks to your tattoo they have mobilityis strength yeah talk to me about thatlike how did that become such an

100 why did you do it I mean like a lotof questions right 100% first of allthank you for listening to I reallyappreciate that that means a lotto me I was because I was scared todeath to post that so my whole life mymother culture I grew up and fromreligion to sports to my family was youknow vulnerability is a weakness youknow you don't talk about your feelingsso no that was just the way I grew upyou know sports football wrestling youknow you don't make excuses you just do

punishment and same thing with thereligion I grew up and you know if youweren't perfect and you sinned thenthere was some type of punishment towhere I felt shamed I felt guilt and soI'm a whole life for 30 plus years wassurrounded by guilt and shame becausehere I was trying to be perfect on theoutside for everybody for my parents mychurch leaders my coaches my my spouseat the time when in reality I knew thatI was a fraud I had weaknesses and Iwasn't perfect and but I couldn't deal

hide it because I'm like you know whatit's better just to pretend and fake itrather than you know the disappointmentand having that punishment in my lifeand so from a very young age I developedthat habit of you know what it's notworth confessing or talking about itbecause then you know everybody knowsand the guilt and the shame justconsumed me and eventually broke me towhere I just lived a life of Lies and itwas inauthentic and eventually broke meas a man and that was the that was the

change my perspective of how I viewedmyself once they learned how to lovemyself and realizing that shame has somuch more power over you when you don'ttalk about it none of the things thatbring you shame and so for me havingthat courage to talk about things thatwere embarrassing you know growing up orthat brought me shame I realized thatit's not as scary as I thought in myhead I would create these stories in myhead of how scary would be if peoplefound out the real me but once I owned

that's of strength changed my lifeI can authentically be me for the firsttime in my life I feel like I'm finallyliving but it took me 34 years to figurethis out and I wish it would have figurethis out at a young age but I had no onethere to teach me I had to learn frommaking mistakes so for mebut everything that happened from youknow pornography and affair and allthese things that are looked at as badI'm 100% grateful for why because itchanged Who I am and I can finally live

have no embarrassment or guilt or shamelike talking about it doesn't make mefeel uncomfortable it doesn't embarrassme anymore and my hope is that otherpeople that have there in that situationwhere I've been through that situationhave that hope and can find that couragewithin to embrace vulnerability and ownyour story because life's short men andI wish I would have learned this at ayounger age so that I didn't have to gothrough all that that heartache how doyou love yourself where you are when

like how do you find that connection tothe love yeah that's a great question soI think what it stems from isexpectations on life like we haveexpectations if I do this then I will beI will be this and rather than faking itand pretending like it didn't happen ornot talking about it embrace the entirestory and realize that everythinghappens for your greater good like thishappened like this pornography addictionor this affair happened so you can growfrom this to become who you're supposed

religion I I can learn that from youknow the culture I grew up and I had tolearn it from other people like beingopen to other people and theirphilosophies and theories like BernieBrowns books and prior and kadian and somany other books like The FourAgreements the fifth agreement totallychanged my perspective of how I viewlife and how I view me right and Irealized I suffered in life because ofhow I viewed myself I saw myself as afailure because of these you know

because of that I did failure likethings because I saw myself as a failureand if I had learned that at an earlierage to love myself I feel like all myother relationships whipping so muchbetter and I feel like everyrelationship in your life stems from howyou view yourself everything's a mirrorof how you view yourself the way youtreat your spouse your kids your lovedones that it's a complete strangerstarts with how you view yourself reallypowerful man

really powerful and it hit me like Iactually got emotional when you said itand you it was like the wrap-up and soyou just kind of throwing off commentsbut there was one thing you said and Ireally felt it and it was like basicallyI hope you guys were cool with mesharing all of this how you feel aboutit's really not my business anyway thatyour business need already talked aboutthe whole thing and you said you knowI'm just trying to love myself and to beworthy of love and like that one really

thought wow like that's so powerful tohave as sort of a guiding force in yourlife what does that look like for you toto be worthy of love yeah that's a greatquestion and to be totally honest withyou I think that's something that kindalike Fitness yeah I always have to workon right because I'm not perfect youknow even all the work that I've donehas got me to a better place but I stillyou know sometimes struggle with thatthat you know feeling worthy of love soit's something you constantly have to

nutrition like it's not like there's afinish line you're done boom no matterwhat happens in life you'll be good it'ssomething that I constantly have to workon to remind myself so things likemeditation every day on a daily basissaying positive affirmations even stillbecause I've noticed there's times in mylife where I get busy with the work andI don't do them and I noticed a bigdifference and I start to believe thoseold those old thoughts come back and soif you don't put in the work every day

that positive self-talk and thennegative self-talk will always be thereI feel like it and so it's a constantbattle it's interesting because there'sso many parallels to fitness and themindset and when you were talking aboutyou know when you gained all the weightthat you just didn't have the energy andyou didn't want to workout for the firsttime in your life you didn't want towork out and to parallel that to thesame thing going on mentally where ifyou're not staying on top of it all of a

take for granted this desire to feelgood feeling positive about yourself andbelieving positive things about yourselfthat also begins to atrophy just like amuscle yeah back then I focus so much onthe physical aspect of weight loss orjust transformation in general but nowI've been doing this for years Irealized like that's whatmissing in the health and fitnessindustry is it's not just physical rightthe mental emotional and even spiritualside are all paralleled and like it has

otherwise it's just it's going to be adiet that people do for 30 or 60 daysbut if they can work on the mentalemotional spiritual while they'reworking on the physical that's where Ifeel like people will really truly befulfilled because they realize that it'snot just about being skinny or havingsix-pack that brings them fulfillmentright like Tony Robbins says successwithout fulfillment ultimate failure soyou could have the perfect body but somany people with perfect bodies are

themselves still why because they don'ttake care of the mental and emotionaland spiritual and they have to all betaken care of otherwise they don't actRafi like you said and you'll you'll beyou'll find out that your life is is outof balance in a way and so what doesthat look like so we all know sort ofwhat the diet and exercise looks likeyeah what is so you mentioned dailyaffirmations positive affirmations whatare some other things that you wouldhave people do as sort of a part of just

gratitude list and what I mean by thatis is looking around you and beinggrateful for what you have now ratherthan like I'll be happy when I reach myfirst million dollar so I'll be happywhen you know this or that happens inbusiness I think a lot of people do itwrong though they you know just likewith physical transformation they'relike I'll be happy when I meet this goaland then I'll celebrate I think that'swhere people struggle when people sufferbecause they get unhappy because they're

there and they're like well that wasn'tit what is it now like they're lookingfor something else some kind of outsidesource of happiness when in reality youcan create it inside you know you getchoose to do it it's hard it takesrewiring your brain it doesn't happenovernightbut I promise you that you know if youcan do things like a great dailygratitude list every single day that'sgonna help you be fulfilled in the hereand now while you're working on a better

reading video it's changed my life manand like oh I'll be honest with you Igrew up a total meathead you know I didnot read books you know I didn't I agedthis was like movies and TV shows areway better once I and that's when youknow the whole divorce thing happenedand I was like I had time to myself atyou know when I didn't have my kids I'mlike what am I do with my life you knowI'm gonna sit up and watch Game ofThrones like at night the rest of mylife or it's cool TV show but and

I mentioned that but then I was like youknow I'm just gonna read some books andthen that's where my life coach had meread loving what is and then someone Itold me about this book called daringgreatly and I'm like okay I'll read itand then my eyes were open and myperspective was changed and I feel likeyou are the combination of the books youread the podcast you listen to thepeople you surround yourself with andthen I realized man there's so much moreinformation out there that it didn't

books what was it about Bernie Brownsdaring greatly that really resonated foryou it was the guilt in the shameliving a life of surrounded by guilt andshame and her showing me like the lightat the end of the tunnel of how to getout of it it really gave me hope andcourage to own my story and talk aboutit and that's you know even when I readher bookyou know before episode 100 happenedwhich is where I went public with mystory that was about two years of

it wasn't like overnight like boom I'mgonna I'm gonna tell everybody aboutthis it took me a while to get to aplace where I was okay emotionally andspiritually to share my story it wasn'tjust like I think Britney talks aboutthis there's difference between oversharing and being vulnerable right and Ifeel like the difference for me wasbeing ready like being true to who youare when that message comes out rightand what your your intentions are whatyour hope is with it rather than just

and and really not giving people anydirection of like what to do with itlike that's a great story but you knowlike you know how did you grow or whatare the key takeaways I think you knowthe life coach and the books that I'veread have really taught me how much ofour stories that we create in our headaren't true and just breaking that cycleof the stories that have told myself myentire life I can let go of because Iknow they're not true because I've kindof tested those waters and you know I

thousand times more in her head than wedo in reality yeah ok now that we'vefigured out what a huge part of thiswhole journey it isis the mental and emotional connectionto food you've remained an extraordinaryshape you've had a lot of reallysuccessful transformations what are yourrecommendations in terms of diet andexercise for somebody who's readythey've gotten that's just sort ofmentally prepped they're ready to godown the actual sort of mechanistic part

question so my goal is to help peoplebecome their own self experimentationright so I'm a huge fan of the ketogenicdiet right well then dr. Oz Show talkingabout the benefits of keto and I fell inlove with it to be honest with you butit might not be for everybody and butwhat I tell people is be open toexperimenting whether it's a plant-baseddiet or paleo or keto or whatever it isbe open to some kind of experimentationwith your body because it's not aone-size-fits-all approach I can't just

70% fat 25% protein 5% carbs and thenboom it will magically work for you justrealizing that you know what works forme or you or someone else might not workfor you that's totally fine let's golet's find something else that works foryou so helping people realize that it'sa journey not a destination it's not arace to the finish line right it's notlike how much weight can I lose in theshort amount of time with the leastamount of effort you know just realizethat this is a lifestyle it's gonna take

things upgrading evolving as you are onyour journey let me ask yousecretive secret quite okay guys youthink though that everybody should tryketo try 100% I think so why because Ifeel like for most people if they canexperience the mental clarity theimprovement cognitive function just thatalone will change people's lives and sofor me I think yes there could be aweight loss and a fat loss component ofit but for me the biggest thing withketo is shifting from running of glucose

brain like nutrition for your brain isprobably the most remarkable thing beable to go from eating six seven meals aday it's eating once or twice a day andfeeling optimal or going seven dayswithout food and still functioning as aparent asyou know running your business liketraveling I've done that and it'samazing because I was told that youcan't do that otherwise you'll lose allyour muscle mass but for me I think it'sworth experimenting with just for how

ways to lose fat right and I think bothyou and I so I used to be about 60pounds heavier I lost all that fatstarvation right it was yeah totalmisery I hated every single minute of itbut it worked the best thing it doesn'twork but my thing is and I find this sointeresting about keto I think you'reright it's an end of one everybody needsto do self experimentation you've got totry it because it it's the one dietarything I say changed my life completelyfrom just being in a constant state of

your inflammation drops to essentiallyzero your relationship the hungerchanges you know I agree with you Ithink that there is so much individualvariability everybody has to try it butketo is the one thing I'll say everybodyshould try it yeah whether it works forthem or not I can't say yeah and I feellike you know our bodies were designedto do that for a reason we have thisbackup system you know or whatever youwant to call it known as ketosis for areason right like it's how our species

the ketogenic state we probably wouldhave died off as a species right becausewe went and we had to go times withoutfood right there was feast and famineand it wasn't told like maybe 100 or 200years ago where we had access to foodon-demand pretty much where we go togrocery stores or there was always anabundance of food and and because we'vegrown up in that we've kind of like wellwe have to eat three square meals a dayyou know that's what we're taught andit's like no you can go a long period of

still functioning and and thriveactually it is so powerful and sotransformative and changes yourrelationship to hunger and all that andfor me probably the most important thingwas just the aches and pains that wentaway yeah which was a really big deallet's talk about fasting yeah I read abook by dr. Jason phone called thecomplete guide to fasting and I learnedabout more about the science behind itbut I think fasting has a there's aphysical component there's a mental

physically we know that's great foranti-aging jeopardyanticancer better digestion cellregeneration in your body that's thephysical component yeah some people doit for weight loss which I do not do itfor there's a mental component toknowing that you can go a day to threehowever long without food and live andactually thrive just realizing that youdon't have to be a slave to food you canbe in control your body is is it'samazing for your body and your mind to

he'll be okay you know you're not gonnadie and then that spiritual componentlike there's a reason almost every majorreligion has some type of fasting in ityou know in the Mormon religion we grewup fasting 124 hours a month like oneday a month you fast for 24 hours and Ihated it as a kid so you know myperception of what fasting was was likethis sucks but there's a spiritualcomponent like being able to be more intune with your body and spirit withouthaving food to distract you is really

spiritually uplifting you know whetheryou're religious or not just being morein tune with your body in in your spiritas well like you you you are a soul I doreally believe that and I think fastingis a way to tap into that and so there'sa physical mental and spiritualcomponent to fasting that I just loveand so for me I willintermittent fast almost every day andthen extended fasting I do kind of as acleanse maybe two to three times a yearand all it ranges anywhere from three

done a seven day fast before but I'lladmit for me already being really leanthat was kind of that was kind of toughlike day seven was really hard for meand this was during the winter in Utahand my body temperature drops so I getfreezing cold and then there was duringChristmas season so there we were goingto Christmas parties and there was foodeverywhere I'm like okay next time I dothis like I got to be like by myself youknow but for me and my sweet spot isfour days to end water only so I'll do

right and that's what I found it worksbest for me yeah it's really I thinkit's super important for people to atleast give fasting a try becausemy biases living forever so the onlything hasn't shown across every speciesto elongate lifespan is caloricrestriction when you realize it seemsstudies suggest that you can get all ofthe benefits of chronic caloricrestriction by doing just evenintermittent fasting where it's a timedwindows yeah taking the same number of

period of time yeah that is I thinksuper important for people to experimentwith and look at and see what kind ofeffect Yasim I think there's a balancetoo because I think there's you knowquantity of life but there's alsoquality of life it's not like you needit fast and just eat at a calorie desertdeficit for the rest of your life likeyou know enjoy life too you know howsome wine you know have a beer everyonce Wow and pizza like you know but youknow when and and if when it feels right

ahead I had ice cream this weekend youdidn't realize creama real ice cream realize not like hisetana ok yes ice cream a cold stone whyand my wife and I just decided to likemake we we've been working so much justhave a reconnect weekend and to dosomething fun yeah and she was like youknow you gain for this and it was radyeah what was yeah it was a super goodreminder that while I think you canobviously get yourself into trouble ifyou're not in control of that for me I

year so it's like I don't have anaddictive personality first of all solike yeah it's not a real thing for mebut dipping into it and like you saidand I've heard you talk wonderfullyabout this like you said something likeoff him and my mom's house and hisChristmas and she makes you know somespecial bread thing I'm gonna have thisspecial bread exactly and I love thattalk about that like how can peoplebecause I here's what makes me sadeating ice cream is awesome yeah being

ice cream shop shoveling it down man notmaking eye contact with people andyou're clearly not having fun like thatbreaks my heart every time I said yeahit's similar to kind of consumingalcohol like are you by yourselfcelebrating by are you celebrating byyourself are you kind of down onyourself and you're eating your emotionswith that substance whether it's icecream or alcohol or drugs whatever it islike what's your intention behind itfor me those types of moments with

certain types of foods are meant to beyou know a bonding thing with withfamily or friends or a positiveexperience and yes I think in thatsituation if your intention is just ameeting I'm stressed out so and no one'swatching so now it's the time to do itthat's where I think that's a behaviorthat needs to be worked on right and Iwish it was as simple as saying we'lljust don't do itright like you wouldn't tell a drugaddict like hey stop doing drugs what's

just put it down it's similar for somepeople right where they're you knoweating their emotions and they're soashamed by it that they you know have todo it by themselves and it's sad and Ifeel like that's where that self-worthcomes in and the need for support systemand accountability come into play andit's not like a black and it's not blackand white there's so many gray areas alot of it has to do with trauma orself-worth from a very young age and nowwe're trying to tell people like yeah

just change behavior overnight I wish itwas that easy but just realize that it'sa constant battle it's never-endingyou're always gonna find it for the restyour life but just realize that you'reworth it to keep fighting that's mymessage that's my hope for people do youthink that there are Universalrecommendations that everyone should bedoing if your diet is mostly consists ofcinnamon toast crunch and mountain dewlike mine was you know all theseprocessed foods which look I'll be

they're affordable they're super they'recheap compared to you know a salad orwhatever and they taste really goodthey really do and there's they are theycan be very addictive for some people ifyou're eating real food most the timeand you're moving your body every singleday biking or swimming or Zumba dancingecstatic dance whatever it is movingyour body just getting out there andmoving and eating real food you know noone it's super easy to eat 20 cookiesright like if you're like stressed out

your house but no one's gonna eat sitdown eat 10 20 abaca dough's right Imean I've never seen anyone do thatbecause they're stressed out and I thinkif we could just get people to focus onthe process of the habits that make ahealthy lifestyle rather than theresultsthen I think the results will take careof themself you have two daughters howdo you deal with food and them I meanespecially knowing how tasty that's agreat question I always ask other

like what works for them because it'sdifferent for each family for each kidbecause I see both ways of being overthe strict right and not letting themtouch a process carbohydrate or anyrefined sugar and then I know that themoment there with Grandma or with thefriends house on a play day or there atschool where other kids are eating candyand they can't there's no ones where Ican't control what they're gonna eat butwhen they're with me I try and controlwhat they eat and teach them about why

eating vegetables it's not a punishmentright I'm not making you do it it'sthere's a reason that I'm you know wewere supposed to be eating vegetablesand here's why so from my girls areseven and nine and they know whatbroccoli is they know what caulifloweris and you know we go grocery shoppingtogether I help I have them help chopfood and prepare the food so they're intheir kitchen things like micronutrientsI mean they don't understand that sobasically and this is what I do is I say

good guys there's a lot of bad guys andwhen we vegetables our good guys getstronger and they can beat up the badguys but when we're eating junk food thebad guys they get strong and they beatup the good guys and that's when we feelsickthat's kind of what I tell them and itseems to work but you know I'll behonest with you we do have treatseveryone's mom but I'll get them likehalo top ice cream or something likethat or I'll make them a keto cookie and

they're with Grandma this week forexample in Idaho and I know she's gonnagive him you know juice with highfructose corn syrup and I kills me but Ican't micromanage every single personthat comes into my daughter's live sodon't beat yourself up just do the bestyou can with what you have is not gonnabe perfect they're gonna you know haveaccess to this food at some point intime but if you can control what theyeat when you're with them then that'sall you can control right and I don't

single food piece of food that goes intotheir mouth alright before I ask my lastquestion where can these guys find youonline easyfit number two fat number two fit that'smy book it's my podcast is my websiteall my social media handles I try andkeep it consistent and actually try andkeep you guys entertained on socialmedia and then my last question what isone change that people could make totheir diet that would have the biggestimpact and I'll be cheeky and sneak in

they can make to have to their workoutroutine that would have the biggestimpact gotcha so the number one thingdiet diet wise is don't be afraid ofhealthy fats coconut oil avocados olivesimplementing these healthier fats intoyour diet just starting off with thatwe've been been doing low fat for solong I think just adding in healthy fatscan make a huge difference with peoplefeeling you know satiated and fullerlonger I think that's that's the easiestthing to do for people right and people

fat cheese and so these types of healthyfats I think it would be an easy goodstartas far as workout goes the easiest thingwe would too would be to do intervaltraining so get your heart rate up to avery high level whether it's walking upthe stairs walking uphill running on atreadmill maybe let's say you run for 30seconds you get your heart rate upwhatever it is that you're doing to getyour heart rate up for 30 seconds sothat could be jumping jacks right and

then repeating that for about 10 minuteswill give you the most bang for yourbuck in my opinion yeah thanks Tom yesguys guys this one is one you are gonnahave an absolute blast diving in anddiscovering his whole notion ofvulnerability is strength that wholeside I don't see anybody else talkingabout it the way that he's talking aboutit and recognizing that the reason mostpeople get addicted to food in the firstplace because even if you want to saythat that is the fundamental reason that

reasonand it isn't just that it's delicious itisn't just that it's inexpensive thoseare both parts of it but the big thingis most of us have some sort of traumasome sort of thing that we've beenbuilding up in our lives negativestories about who we are whether we'reworthy of love whether we can loveourselves and that is the thing that'sreally holding them back and not goingin and doing thatwork is why people struggle and do self

story has so much of that in it andbecause he shares so raw and sovulnerably it is that bridge that hetalks about between where you are andwhere you want to get to thenon-judgmental acceptance of a groupthat he's putting people in and givingthem that safe space which is somethingthat he talked a lot about in thisepisode and I hope that you guys werelistening to that because that is whatmany of you need you need that safespace inside yourself and you need that

can trust and his voice is that voice inthis industry and the fact that he'salso he yoked doesn't hurt so you knowthat he's at least been able to do itonce which is really reallyextraordinary but it's really thekindness that emanates off of him it'sthe relatability it's that he's extendedhis own story out so that other peoplecan connect to something and see thatthere's a lot more going on for him justas there is for anybody else than whatyou see on the outside and that is

he's such a special voice in this spaceand he's been at it for a really longtime so he's got a lot of amazingcontent that I think you guys willbenefit from and most importantlybecause we were talking about thisbefore the camera started rolling nowthere's so many of us out there thathave been doing this for years you getto watch that person change so you caneven watch how his notions of what ahealthy diet and exercise are changedand evolved as he's changed and evolved

I think you guys are gonna love it allright if you haven't already be sure tosubscribe and until next time my friendsbe legendarytake carethank you guys so much for watching andbeing a part of this community if youhaven't already be sure to subscribeyou're gonna get weekly videos onbuilding a growth mindset cultivatinggrit and unlocking your full potential