15 Simple Ways to Lose Weight In 2 Weeks

[Music]15 simple ways to lose weight in twoweeksstress at work eating junk food and poorsleep prevents you from achieving yourdream body and can even make thingsworsebut losing weight isn't always aboutstrict diets and exhausting workoutsthere are many tricks that can help youlose a bit of excess weight in just twoweeksin today's video we're going to share

rid of excess belly fatmost people don't even know about thesetricks before we get started be sure toclick the subscribe button and turn onthe little notification bell now youwon't miss any of the important updatescoming out daily on the bright side oflifenumber 15avoid sugary drinkswhen your sweet tooth kicks in you'reoften tempted to chug a can of soda orsome fruit juice

weight this sugary addiction must stopit has been proven by doctors from thedepartment of nutrition at the harvardschool of public health that drinkingsugary beverages contributes to beingoverweight and obesenumber 14drink green teado you want to burn more fatsaccording to dr margarite wester terpplantanga of maastricht universitydrinking green tea may help because it'sloaded with antioxidants called

capabilitiesnumber 13hide unhealthy foodsapply this rule to unhealthy foods outof sight out of mindaccording to a study by scientists atohio state university you craveunhealthy snacks more when they'rewithin your reachthis finding is reiterated by doctors atcornell university and vtt technicalresearch center of finland in theirresearch

not on your countertops you can switchto healthier options such as a bowl offruit if you can't stop snackingnumber 12brush your teeth more oftenbrushing doesn't only clean your teethit can also help in the fight againstexcess weight if you brush during thedayaround 15 000 people took part in aresearch project conducted by thecatholic university of korea and koreauniversity

between brushing your teeth and losingweighttoothpaste removes leftover food fromyour mouth and it stops communicatingwith our receptorsour brain receives a signal that sayslunch is over[Music]number 11laugh morethis isn't a joke sincere laughter usesabout the same amount of energy iswalking since it involves different

data gathered by a team of researchersat the department of medicine atvanderbilt university showed that 10 to15 minutes of laughter a day can burn 10to 40 caloriesso we recommend that you watch morecomedy showscan't get a good laugh with the comedyshows you're already watchingsign up for a laughter yoga club insteadthis is no laughing matter currentlythere are about 6 000 groups worldwidelaughter is the best medicine indeed

drink more waterwe're told time and again that drinkingenough water speeds up the fat burningprocessif you're not convinced a team ofscientists from the humboldt universityand the german institute of humannutrition researched this topicthey asked the participants of theirstudy to drink two large glasses ofwateras a result their metabolism became 30percent faster and more efficient

fluid ounces more a day a person canburn around 17 400 calories per yearapproximately four poundsnumber ninefollow the two and a half minute rulethis rule was established by scientistsat colorado state university and theuniversity of colorado and schultzmedical campusthey call it sprint interval trainingand it requires a 2.5 minute intenseworkout every daythe thing is 5 to 30 seconds of hard

for example speeding up while riding abike or running on a treadmill with fourminute breaks may increase yourmetabolismand you'll burn an extra 200 caloriesdo high-intensity exercise and alwaysgive a hundred percent to burn more fatnumber eighteat less but more oftenit's easywhen you eat frequently you let yourbody know that there's no need toaccumulate fats

signal and we tend to eat more based onresearch from the department ofnutritional sciences at the universityof toronto eating little and oftenreduces cholesterol levels by 15and insulin levels by almost 28insulin plays an important role since itcontrols the level of sugar in the bloodif there's a lack of insulin glucosereaches neither fat cells nor musclesnumber seven remove the bright bluelight from electronic displayshere's another simple way to increase

remove the blue light from your phone ifyou use it before bedtimehowever experts do say that it's betterto avoid screen time completely beforegoing to sleepoh well a study conducted by scientistsfrom the department of physiologicalanthropology at kyushu university showedthat bright light confuses our brainwhich then stops producing melatoninour metabolism is tightly connected toour sleeping patterns and the amount andquality of our sleep

screens and you'll see an improvement inyour sleepnumber six stop counting caloriesnutritionists recommend that you stopfocusing on calories and pay moreattention to the quality of the productyou eat since not all calories are equalfor examplea high calorie burger can be harmful buthigh calorie nuts are usefulvegetables nuts and seeds are naturaland minimally processed and they allcontain more useful and healthy elements

these products help us get used to a newdiet enrich our body with vitamins andminerals and satisfy hungernumber fivelet cool air into your bedroomresearch from the national institute ofdiabetes and digestive and kidneydiseases and the national institutes ofhealth suggest that cool temperatures ina room influence brown fata fat layer that protects the body fromfreezingas a result it splits white fat and

subjects had to sleep in rooms withdifferent temperatures neutral cool andwarmafter four weeks of sleeping in a coolroom man got rid of a great amount ofwhite fat from their abdomens so goahead and turn up the ac at night[Music]number fourforget about daytime sleepscience proves that people burn less fatwhen they sleep during the day and areactive at night

university of colorado studied 14healthy people for six daysduring the first two days subjects sleptduring the night and didn't have daytimenapsthen they change their sleeping patternsto imitate owl sleeping schedulesit turned out that when people took anap their metabolism worsened sincetheir biological clocks didn'tcompletely flip to fit their schedulesif you work night shifts doctorsrecommend reducing the number of

number threeonce a week break your diet deliberatelycheat meals are a rather popularpractice among amateur and professionalathletesthis means you break your diet once aweekyou're allowed to eat everything youwant even if these foods are banned fromyour diet the secret behind this lies intricking your mind when you know you'regoing to be rewarded for your effortsit's much easier to refuse bad food to

number twoget rid of stressaccording to a study from ohio stateuniversity stress slows down ourmetabolism what's more when we'restressed out we tend to eat more greasysweet and salty foods scientists saythat consuming high calorie products instressful situations affects ourmetabolism and causes weight gainso avoid binge eating at all costs whenyou're stressed[Music]

get plenty of sleepa few more words about getting goodsleep a healthy eight hours of sleepfrom 10 or 11 p.m to 6 or 7 a.mcontributes to great metabolismit can also help you get rid of unwantedbelly fatin a study conducted by assistantprofessor marie pierre st onge atcolumbia university and assistantprofessor irish schechter of columbiauniversity medical center subjects whoslept less than five hours were more

those who had sufficient sleepwhich tips do you follow to stay healthyand fittell us your experience in the commentsdon't forget to click the like buttonand share this video with your friendsalways stay tuned and subscribe to joinus on the bright side of life[Music]you