[Music]hi hoochies and welcome back to mychannel so today's video is going to bemywhat i eat in a day so you know behealthyto lose weight all of that umwith what i'm showing you guys it is acaloric deficit for most so you willlose weighteating if you eat what i eat what i'mshowing you umso i am not just a disclaimer i am not a
nutritionisti have just learned over the time umwhat works best for meso yeah i'm just gonna be showing youguys what i eat soif you are interested in seeing thatthen just keep on watchingso first things first is i'm going tohave my protein coffeei like to drink this first thing in themorning after i'm done working outwithin about 30 minutes after a workoutis when i like to do this so
starbucks you can make your own coffeeif you wantthis is just more convenient and easyfor me so this is what i useand then i just mix it with my gaugelife supplements protein powder i prefervanilla protein powderi'm doing a scoop and a half and all thecaloric informationwill be at the end if you guys areinterested in the breakdown of calories[Music]so if you guys didn't know i do
that meansgoogle is going to be your best friendbut essentially i have periods oftime where i eat in periods of timewhere i fast so i typically have myfirst meal between 12 and 2 o'clockum so it's currently 12 30 today so i'mgoing to go ahead and get mybreakfast started but before i startcookingi am going to show you guys the umvitaminsand things like that that i take so i
about 30 minutes before my first meal soi'm gonna go ahead and show you guys allof thoseso the first vitamin that i have here ismy multivitamin i prefer the gummies umthese do have a little bit of sugarand a few extra calories but to me idon't really get a lot of sweets in mydiet so this is perfect for me it's kindof like candy in my opinion sothis is just a multivitamin i suggesteveryone take a multivitamin even if youaren't
multivitamins are just really reallygood for you theyyou know they provide all the essentialvitamins that you need basicallyso this is just a nature made brand ithink i got it at targetyou can get whatever kind it reallydoesn't matter um i just get this kindbecause i like the way they tasteso yep i take two of these a dayso i will take these right before i eatthe next one is also another gummy thisis the
because if you guys didn't know i cutall my hair offat the beginning of the year so i take alot of extrabiotin there is biotin in the ummultivitaminbut i do take a biotin on its own andthese tasteso good i need to buy some more it'slike a umwatermelon mint flavor i think but theseare good for male andwell women and men so you know
next supplement that i take is a vitamind3 or vitamin should i say now this isalso in my multivitamin but i take itseparate as wellbecause it's just really good for yourimmune system andin my opinion getting as much vitamin das possible isreally really good it keeps me in a goodmood sothis is just a generic brand that i gotfrom heb i taketwo of these they're very very little
they're really small i don't know if youcan see them but yep i take these aswellthe next one that i take is a b12vitaminnow this is also in my multivitamin buti take a little bit extra because thisis great for boosting your metabolismat least that's what i use it forso at least that's how it was explainedto me or why i should take it soagain this is just a generic brand and itake one of these a day as well
apple cider vinegar pillnow i prefer to take this in pill formrather than a shot of apple cidervinegarbecause no one wants to taste that sothis is really really good for weightloss you guys know most people do a shotof apple cider vinegar withcayenne pepper and stuff like that justto kind of help boost the metabolismbut i prefer to take the pill it doesthe exact same thing so i just takeone of these a day the last
actually takethree of these a day i take one beforemy first mealone with my second meal and then onebefore my last mealso yes i take three of these a day andthese are pretty muchjust dietary supplements they're kind ofi think the way it was explained to meis they kind of suppress your appetitelow-keyso um and help with your metabolism soum that is what i take these for so yep
anywhereso now it's time for our actual firstmeal i am so hungry i'm so ready to eatso let's get in the kitchen and get[Music]cookingso i've gone ahead and just cut myavocado in half like i said we're onlygoing to be using a half of an avocadoyou can use more if you prefer but formy dietary purposesi'm only going to do half so while i'mgetting the avocados ready i'm gonna go
toast in the toaster since this bread isfrozen to startuh i leave it in here for a very verylong time plus i like my toastvery very toasted okay i'm gonna goahead and take a spoonand scoop out our avocadolike so and then i'm just going to kindof put it in slicesfor nownext we're going to slice our tomatomake sure you wash itso now the majority of the toppings oh
so now that the majority of the toppingsare done let's go ahead and get startedon the egg[Music]i'm going to take a olive oil cookingspray and just spray this in the panyou can use olive oil or whatever youprefer i just like to use thisas it does not have any caloriesnow the pan is nice and hot i'm justgoing to take our egg and crack it rightin[Music]
stove we're gonna go ahead andget our avocados and everything on thetop so that the egg can go on top and wecan eat because i'mhungry so now that the toast is alltoasted as you guys can see i like mytoast a little darker like i saidi'm gonna go ahead and take the piecesof avocado and just kind of lay them onthe toast and then let me show you whatwe'll do from therei'm going to take a fork and just kindof like mash
you can do this in a bowl if you preferbut i just do itright on the toast it just makes it awhole lot easier for meand it makes it really cute gives itthat like cute littlefork designthis is when i'm going to take a littlebit of some sea salt and some pepperand sprinkle it right on top i take thesea salt firstjust sprinkle i like a lot of pepperoh okay maybe not that much but
flakes and add that as wella lot i like a lot of red pepper flakesi like myavocado toast pretty spicy sothen i'm gonna add in the tomatoes ofcourse you can skip this if you're not atomato eater i knowtomatoes are pretty people are prettypicky about tomatoes but i like tomatoesso i like to add them inand then at this point i'm going to addmy everything but the bagel seasoningright on top
egg and place it right on topand boom that's it[Music]all right you guys so it's been abouttwo hours since i had the avocado toastso normally around this time i wouldeither make a protein shakeor um something protein based that ipretty muchget a lot of protein in but since i'mabout to run out of the house to runsome errands i'm just gonna eat aprotein
this is their new layers this is thechocolate and almond so it has three eggwhiteseight almonds seven cashews two dates no[ __ ]that's literally what it says umliterally the ingredients you guys areexactly what it says are in it there'snoweird stuff that you don't know like ifyou look on the ingredientshere i don't know if it'll focusbut do you see what i'm saying there's
and so um yeah and they're super goodvery filling soi'm gonna hop in the car and eat thisand then we will be back for our lunchall right y'all so i'm back home it'sbeen another two hours so it's time forlunch it's about 5 30 soit'll probably take us about 20 minutesto cook so yeah let'sget startedi've already gone ahead and got my riceinto my steamer cookingbecause it takes the longest so yeah
up this is just a sweet onion you canuse whatever kind you pleaseso i'm just gonna dice someso since the rice is almost done we'regoing to go ahead and get started withthe meat i'm going to take my panand just put a little bit of olive oilin hereand get that heated up and we're goingto be adding the onions firstand then our meat[Music]and let these cook down just a little
bit[Music]once the onions are a little soft nottoo soft because i don't like minetoo too soft i'm gonna go ahead and addin our ground turkeynow i'm putting in a lot of groundturkey because we're also eating groundturkey for dinner tonightand i eat this i'm gonna be eating thisagain tomorrow so the more i can cooknowthe better for me later
gonna be starting with some garlicpowder i'm pretty heavy-handedwith the non-sodium seasonings so don'tbe shooki'm also going to add in onion powdereven though we have onions in here butit's just something about the onionpowder that just hit baby girli'm gonna go ahead and add in somepepper i like a lot of pepperi like a lot of pepper on everything sodon't judge mei'm also gonna add in some chili powder
as you guys can tell i use a lot ofnon-sodium seasoningsfirst and i use a lot of them that way ican try to use aslittle of my sodium seasoningsas possible because the less sodium themore hydrated you are the more healthyyou are so when i say a lot of chilipowder i'm not kiddingnext i'm going to add some creoleseasoning this is my only seasoningthat has sodium in it this is um tony'sif you were wondering you can also use
i'm trying not to be heavy-handed withit but like i just know melike pretty badand then i'm also gonna add in somecayenne pepper i pretty much makeeverything spicybecause if i can't have salt at least ican have some spiceso i kind of put a lot i like minereally really spicyi'm gonna mix it all up and let it cook[Music]so
all right y'all so it's time for thenext meal it's only been about an hourand a halfso it is now seven sowe're gonna eat because my last meal isat nineso um yeah i'm gonna be making you guyscan barely see mei'm gonna be making a salad with somechickenso first things first is let's get ourchicken going okayi'm gonna make about three pieces even
thisi'm probably gonna eat like one of thesepieces but like i said i eat thissame meal throughout the week so yeah sowe're gonna go ahead and season thischicken season it to your likingyou guys probably aren't gonna like theway that i season it because it does nothave a lot of sodiumand most people like a lot of sodiumbased seasoningsso i'm using some onion powdersome garlic powder
buty'all know i'm putting some pepper onhere i love me some pepperi'm also gonna do a little bit of lemonpepper this is sodium free lemon pepperby the waybut again season with whatever you sochooseand then i'm gonna add a little bit ofsaltum this is just regular salt not seasalt or anything like that just regularold salt
to the other sideso i already got our pan nice and hot soi'm gonna go ahead and just add ourchickenstraight inand i've just got a little olive oil inthere if you were wonderingi just pour my seasonings on topwhile the chicken is cooking let's goahead and get our veggies ready i justhave some tomatoes that i've alreadycleanedand i'm gonna do maybe like three or
six however many this is and i'm gonnacut them in halfuh i don't like to eat them whole it tome is a little awkward in a saladbut in half it's perfect and i reallylike tomatoes if you guys didn't know soyeah you can substitute for cucumberor any other like locale vegetablecucumber is even better than tomatoes ifyou want to be honest and all i'm doingwith my spinach is just putting it in asalad spinner and putting it in a bowlthis is a very
[Music]now that the chicken is all done i liketo shred my chickeni don't like to eat a salad with bigchunks of chickenso i just hold it and i literally justshred itas long as you don't over cook yourchicken and it's like nicelydone it'll it should just shred with aforkyou can use two forks instead of a knifebut i just had this from where i was
earlier so i'm just shredding it on mycutting boardand i'm gonna weigh about two ounces ofmaybe like one and a half depending onhow much two ounces is but about one anda half or two ounces of this chickenonto my salad um you can add moreif you just want to but for me that'splentyi'm just adding the chicken to have anextra source of protein for the dayso because i didn't feel like havinganother protein shake
we have our spinach and tomatoes in thebowl hereso i'm gonna go ahead and take my handydandy weight i got this on amazonyou can get them at target walmartamazon anywhere honestlyso it's at zero so i'm gonna put my bowlon reset it to zerogreat and like i said i'm gonna addabout two ounces or soso that's about one ounceyeah so that's two ounces right thereand that is plenty for
some dressing i'm gonna do abouttwo tablespoons of this dressing whichisabout 60 calories so yep that is it forthis mealall right you guys so it is time for thefinal meal which is super duper easyi literally just have to put cook a bigpotatoum so we're gonna be using the turkeythat we did beforeand we're gonna be putting that in apotato um we're gonna get four ounces of
or regular potato whatever kind ofpotato you want you can make mashedpotatoestotally up to you i'm just going to do abaked potato and we're going to getabout a half anounce or no one ounce of cheddar cheeseand that's it girl that's what i'm goingto eat for dinner so i'm just gonna putmy baked potato on my steamerit's nothing for you guys to really seeme cook and heat up theum turkey and put it together and show
i know this doesn't look the mostappealing but i promise it tastesso good so i went ahead and finished mypotato i put myturkey on top you can also add a littlebit of salsa if you want itmakes it gives another little flavorprofile soyeah i'm gonna eat my dinner all rightyou guys so that is it for this videoi hope you guys enjoyed this what i eatin a day to stay healthy orto lose weight um i know it's kind of
but yeah i just really hope you guysenjoyed it umas far as drinking all day all i drinkis justwater i might have a little green teaevery now and thenbut that's it so i hope you guys enjoyedthis video don't forget to rate commentand subscribe and good luck on whatotherwhatever health journey you are on and iwill see you all in the next one