if you've watched any of my pastnutrition videos or even attempted adiet of your own then you're probablyaware of the notion that at the end ofthe day for weight loss it's all aboutcalories in versus calories out as longas you're eating at a calorie deficitand ideally having enough protein aswell then you're going to successfullylose weight and strip off fat regardlessof what and when you eat now whilescientifically speaking this is true andit is the basic law of thermodynamics
account for is how the various foods youput into your body actually then goabout affecting these two variablesbecause research has shown that whileyes at the end of the day calories arewhat matter most if you want to trulylose fat as efficiently and as quicklyas possible then you need to go beyondjust calories and instead pay closeattention to the types of foods thatmake up the calories you're ingestingevery day and also how you go aboutingesting them as that's what makes all
through three swaps that you'll want tomake in your diet that accounts forthose variables and can enable you tolose fat faster and then i'll provideyou with a sample meal plan that putsall this together for you the first swapyou want to make with your diet is tostick them mostly with foods that havebeen minimally processed so for examplefoods like oats and multigrain bread asopposed to their refined counterpartssuch as cereal and white bread that havebeen stripped of most of their important
less processed foods beneficial whendieting in the sense that they generallyprovide more nutrients and keep usfuller for longer but they also haveanother unique benefit that has to dowith something called the thermic effectof food which is the amount of caloriesthat our body burns to metabolize andactually use the foods that we ingestand one of the unique fat loss benefitsabout unprocessed foods is that in mostcases our body burns significantly morecalories when digesting unprocessed
their processed counterparts forinstance one study compared the caloricburn required to digest and metabolizetwo minimally processed sandwichesconsisting of whole grain bread and realcheddar cheese versus two highlyprocessed sandwiches that insteadconsisted of white bread and processedcheese although both meals consisted ofvirtually the same amount of totalcalories and protein the more processedsandwich had a 50lower thermic effect and as a result the
digesting it than it did with the wholegrain sandwiches similarly a six weekrandomized controlled trial has subjectsstick to a diet consisting of eitherless processed whole grain foods such asoats brown rice and whole grain breadversus a calorie and macronutrientequated diet consisting of moreprocessed refined grains instead such ascereal white rice and white bread whatthey found is that the group that stuckwith whole grain foods burned on averageroughly 100 more calories per day just
food than the processed food group didand to put this into perspective giventhat the average person burns roughly100 calories to jog a mile you'dessentially be doing the equivalent ofjogging an extra mile a day just bychoosing to incorporate whole grain lessprocessed foods as opposed to moreprocessed foods for most of your mealsand if you crunch the numbers over threemonths this simple change wouldtheoretically enable you to burn 2.5pounds more fat just by making that
matter most and while you definitelywill still burn fat despite eatingprocessed foods as long as you're stillin a calorie deficit you can furtherinfluence the calories outside of theequation and potentially speed up thefat loss process by simply swappingthese foods for whole grain lessprocessed foods instead and let them dothe work for younext let's dive into how you then goabout distributing your meals throughoutthe day because while yes again your
matters most for fat loss it turns outthat the manner in which you distributethese calories throughout the day seemsto be more important than we'vepreviously been led to believeillustrating this is a recent 2020 paperand another similarly designed 2015paper that compared the effects of usinga more front heavy distribution approachby allocating more calories to breakfastversus a back heavy approach byallocating more calories to dinnerinstead what the researchers found is
approach not only experiencedsignificantly less hunger andsignificantly less cravings for sweetsthroughout the day but they alsoexperience greater overall energy levelsmeaning that they were able to adhere tothe diet more easily and they likelyburn more calories throughout the dayfrom fidgeting walking and just movingmore in general because of theirincreased energy levels and in fact thisprotocol was also repeated in alongitudinal weight loss study which
approach lost more weight decreasedtheir waist circumference to a greaterdegree and reported greater hungercontrol over a period of 12 weeks whencompared to a group that used a backheavy approach by simply swapping thebreakfast and dinner calories indicatingthat there does seem to be some indirectfat loss benefits to allocating morecalories to your meals early on in theday and this is something that ipersonally noticed as well i used to besomeone who would save a lot of my
knew that that's when my cravings wouldreally hit but when i insteadexperimented with shifting more and morecalories to early on in the day and i'mat breakfast i found that not only didmy energy levels throughout the day andmy gym performance considerably improvedbut i also just wasn't craving things asmuch at night because i just wasn't ashungry now obviously this does vary forthe individual and may depend on whenyour workout takes place but regardlessi would highly suggest even if you're
least experiment with just shifting moreand more of your calories to your firstmeals of the day as this does seem tohave some unique benefits in terms ofenabling you to control your cravings toburn more calories and potentiallycreate greater fat less results in thelong run as a result now the last swapis something i've covered in my pastvideos and it's to not only choosemostly unprocessed foods to include inyour diet but you want to also choosethe ones that are highly satiating and
your appetite as this will enable you tobetter adhere to your diet and minimizeany excess snacking you may be doingthroughout the day that's sabotagingyour calorie deficit and based on thefindings from the satiety index whichexamined the effects of 38 differentcommon foods on hunger levels we canclearly see that on a calorie forcalorie comparison some options are justbetter than others when it comes tocontrolling your appetite for exampleeven with calories equated four simply
instead will provide a 25 greater effecton suppressing your hunger and similarlyswapping brown rice for whole grainpasta or boiled potatoes instead willprovide a 30 or 60 percent boost insatiation respectively so what i'dsuggest is look over the index andexperiment with swapping some of thesemore satiated foods into your diet andjust see how your body and appetiteresponds now to put everything togetherfor you let's go through a sample mealplan that not only incorporates these
great i'll use roughly 2 100 caloriesfor this meal plan but keep in mind thatyou want to adjust the portion sizesbased on what's needed for you to be ata calorie deficit this is going to varyfor everyone so to start we'll beallocating most of the calories towardsbreakfast with protein pancakes madecompletely of highly satiated minimallyprocessed foods for these first blendthe oats to make an oat flour and thenyou want to add the rest of theingredients into blend then simply cook
butter sugar-free syrup sauteed applesor whatever you'd prefer[Music]for lunch we'll be tapering down thecalories slightly but still stickingwith satiating unprocessed foods withbaked salmon boiled potatoes and a sideof sauteed asparagus[Music]then to keep you going until dinner youcan have an orange and can even plant ina protein shake as well depending onwhen your workout is and then for dinner
calories slightly with baked chickenbreasts and a side of veggies roasted inolive oil[Music]and then after dinner to help satisfywhatever sweet cravings may have poppedup we'll make a simple high proteingreek yogurt parfait consisting of zeropercent fat plain greek yogurt mixed inwith cinnamon and stevia for sweetnessand then top with frozen mixed berriesand a tablespoon of chia seeds supereasy to make yet extremely satisfying so
little more insight into how you canstart planning your meals based on whati went through while still keepingeverything tasty and satisfying and justkeep in mind that although some of theswaps i mentioned here can definitelyhelp speed up the fat loss process justknow that at the end of the day adheringto a calorie deficit is what's mostimportant so experiment with your dietand stick to what you find works bestfor you and your lifestyle and for anall-in-one step-by-step program that not
you but also shows you how to structureand set up your diet with the rightfoods and in the right amount so thatyou can burn fat as efficiently and aseasily as possible with science andsimply head on over tobuildwithscience.com and take theanalysis quiz to discover which programis best for you and where your body iscurrently at anyways guys that is it fortoday thank you so much for watchinghope you're all doing well please don'tforget to show your support by giving
below as to what you'd like to see mecover next subscribe to the channel andturn in on notifications for the channelas well as this all really does help meout thank you so much everyone and seeyou next time[Music]