Satisfying Weight Loss TikTok

[Music]imagine if you were more than 100 kilosoverweightand literally live to eatand eat and eatbut what if you were faced with a choiceof losing your weightor losing your life would you dosomething about itwell now we're going to this is going tobe life-savingthat's something everyone said notfeeling good

obesethese people are too big even for thebiggest loserhow do you feel about yourself i havehad you knowthat occasional thought that it's toohard it's all too hardand you just want to give up the reallydepressing part about your body is justsort of letting yourselfand my stomach just get so big i wassitting at home bored out of my brainand i was just eating eating eating

sort of said like if you keepgoing i was going to kill myself iwasn't sort of going to make it to 40.i want to have babies and get married iknow thatin the position i'm in that wouldn'thappen i feel tiredit takes a lot to drag this around everydaypeople don't want to be seen with a badperson[Music]tonight we meet mick one place that i

fit through is a shower door he's thatonce fat kidwho became a super obese man the average30 year old maneats about 3 000 calories a daybrian dumpling yes please mick eats upto double that[Music]yeah which is why he puts on morepokemon and moreand more weight what is it becausethere'sthis much food going in at every meal

three three to seven times a week not aproblembut mick is paying more than a heavyprice for his food addictionevery day easy things to do in life thati want to do i can't dobecause i'm trapped in this body thatjust hasn't got the energy to doanythingbeing such a big flexibility is a lotharderto actually get down to your feet andactually put socks on mick

getan erection things couldn't get muchworse rightnow that's right yeah exactlybut behind the laughter of this jollyfat manis an almost unbearable pain well paulwas my eldest brotherand he got up to go to work one morningjumped in the shower andhis eye out about near his heart it justexplodedand gave him a massive heart attack and

now mix weight is threatening to cutshort his life tooi don't know how i let it happenbut this man's life is about to changeforeverin the next hour we'll put him through300 days of incrediblephysical and mental painwhat are you doing why this is the truestory of a food addicteating himself to death a man who wassimplytwo feet

his brother33 year old mix balding has lived athome with his mumand his diabetic father they're a familyobsessedwith eating you do the right thing toeatis your mum killing you with love[Laughter]yeah a little bit mum's mum's alwayscooks a bit too muchwhere i should just stick to the onepiece of knits i'll go back for the

it is my fault at the end of the day idon't have to eat that muchit must hit people in different waysafter they've lost somebody so closei've looked at food as a bit of acomfortit's hard to explaini want to be there for my brother's kidsgrowing up[Music]hopefully walk them down the aisle oneday because their father's not going tobe here

in funny sort of wayswhere they're actually at the pointprobably laughing at meit gets to me a bittoday is the beginning of the rest ofmick's lifeand first stop is some tough love fromthis mani don't know how the guy's alive he's amassive mani'm lost for words he's honestly walkingdeathnice to meet you mate nice to meet you

make it betterbeautiful i'm gonna weigh you first yepand go from there okay step on for menice and easy in the middleholy dooley247.3literally almost couldn't believe it ididn't think i wasdidn't think i was that heavy[Music]crazy crazy big number big numberyou just don't realize how heavy you areyou actually confront it with it

anybody no lies you know likesomebody's standing over you or lookingat you so you can't jump off and say nothat's still a lie it's notthis will tell me your resting heartrate look at that132 walk-in time bombyeah really what should that be70 to can imagine the stress on your heartalreadythat's working twice this is what itshould be twice so

it was very confronting just the factthat i couldjust drop thatover the next 40 days lee wants mick tolose40 kilos and that will take pain whatare you doing this forme or you huh and more pain[Music]mix balding's first step on the scalesin four yearshas been a sobering shock 247crazy crazy big number big number

don't know how i let it happen i'm lostfor words he's honestlywalking death mick's brother died of amassive heart attackhis father has obesity related diabetesnow the lives of this fat family areabout to be turnedupside down meg hi mike how are you i'mgood how are you goodall right what we're going to do nowguys isgo through and throw all the garbagefood out so i need you to know that

oh yeah so you're going to help him thewhole way through your support systemfairi'm gonna help you yeah all right socovered by cupboard team mango slicesfull of sugar pancakes[Music]get rid of it i want your dad to changewell because he's got type 2 diabetes sohe needs to change just as much asmainlyget rid of it what am i gonna have toknow having vegetables

but he could have left the meatloafbecause i was looking forward to thattonightthank god i had a piece that yes i wasgonna have ai was gonna have a meatloaf sandwich forlunch i should havehow challenging is it gonna be in thekitchen with the three of you in therei can see a few arguments over the nextcouple of months butum i'll put him in his placereally is feeding to die

this oh yeahi'm i'm dying i'm going now i don't knowwhat you're saying i know what you'resayingwe're all gonna do it my wife willpleasemate this is your big thing this is yournewhome gym for the moment beautifulbeautiful lovely[Music]pedaland we're just going to see if we can

speednothing fastin 20 years in this game i've never seenanyoneas dysfunctional as mick physicallyhitting the two minute markand the heart rate starting to elevateyeah and you can start to feel thatyourself yeahokay so we're gonna do a slow down iwant you to take your feet out of thepedalsokay just get your breath nice full

fill him uphe's in such a state of disrepairwhich is unsafe onetwo threenine and ten rest okay sit down for mewhat is it 140 140. just from simplemovement againyeah disappointing that i can't keepgoing butit's only for a little while hopefullygive me a month or so and i'll be ableto go for 1520 minutes one day at a time

he's already creating a shrinein his attempt to cheat an early deathi'm just keeping my brothers tight inthis room mate it's justsomething when i'm doing a tough [ __ ]have a look and make me keep goingand push do it now step down again forme[Music]good the first weight loss target is40 kilos in 40 days that sounds a lotbut it's just 14 of mick's body weightmick's grabbing this by the horns and

you know is embracing this 120 it'sunbelievablebut this super obesity battle is goingto take morethan just exercise mick needs to changehisentire life are you going to help meshop today yeahyeah should we get uncle make somereally healthy good foodsyeah yeah fresh fruit and veggies areabsolutely greatokay you want to be snacking on fresh

your breakfast or when you feel like adessertthen fruit's your your absolute bestoption okay now apples are one of thebest kind of snacks makebecause they're they'rereally slowly absorbed they've got lotsof fiber in them and they have loads ofantioxidants we're going to go for fourhe knows he's got these significanthealth issues in his familyso one of the things i'll be teachinghim is about you know you don't have to

about choosing the right carbs andthat's absolutely cruciali'm trying to see positive just whateveri'm taking inis good food it's i'm being positiveabout knowing it's actually doing megood and not tryingto put that negative feeling into myhead that it is boring food because if istart thinking it i'll start believingand i don't want to start believing thatit is boring food and which i know it'sgood for me so i'm just trying to have

it's four weeks since mick began thischallengeevery day he has to resist temptationand makethe right food choices you've got anycravings or anything no i haven't hadany cravingsthe last few days which has been good sohopefully i don't get any so i'll justkeepkeep with the healthy stuff yeah andtell me about justgirls relationships when was the last

um a few years back now probably aboutfive years ago now sothere hadn't been much in relationshipsi've seen a couple of girls here andthere but nothingnothing that's been steady or anythinglike that i just thought obviouslythat's got a lot to do with justhow you feel about yourself i supposeyourself yeah that's right i justi just haven't been putting myself outthere having to meet new peopleyeah i would love to if i come across

have a kid orkids if someone's out there they'll findyou sort of find each other somewherealong the linethey're goodnick's first target was 40 kilos in 40daystoday he'll weigh in for the first timeyeah i was a bit nervous knowing it'sgoing to be the weigh-in today justi've never really liked getting on thescouts all my life because i'vealways known i've been a big boy so it's

pleasant to get on the scales andactually see exactly how much you domick it's time to be weighed it's been40 dayshow do you think you're going to go um ithink i've hopefully gone alright matei'm just happy to beif i've lost 10 kilos i'll be i'll bereally happy with thatyeah i'm planning on doing 10 kilos amonththat's 100 kilos after 10 months somick you'd be happy with 10 kilos right

i wouldn't be mickstep up on the scales[Music]40 daysa lot of sweat and tears in that timeyou weighed in at 247.3yepyour weight today is[Music]mick step up on the scales40 daysa lot of sweat and tears in that timeyou weighed in at 247.3

yup[Music]your weight today is[Music]207. not badnot bad at 40 kilosbeautiful great effort man fantasticeffort40.[Music]this guy has amazed himselfi think he's amazed me as well is thatall i get

that i've lost weight now and lost 40kilos it's justit's made me made me just feelnot like a new person but just as aperson that just wants to keep going nowand strive tostruggle to try to get down to his umgut weight i justi just can't believe it i was hoping inthe background that it would be 40 kilosandhe did it and that's that's justabsolutely fantastic

because i'm sobig for him40 kilos is an amazing result i'mseriousthis is your brother talking here we'vegot a long way to go but i'm not goingto be happy now if yourest and sit back on your laurels yeahyou've worked hard to do this he's therehe's made that first step he's jumpedthe mountainnow there's a mountain to climb but ibelieve he'll do it and i think he'll do

this is the last time nick will see leefor a monthhe will be on his own every day will bea new challenge ready to go yep youready yep let's gocarrying all that weight mick walks atjust overone step per second that's half thespeedof most of us but right nowhe's desperate for lee's approval it'sgood to be able to get up in the morningand um think i've got something on my

and it feels really good mickeyhow you going yeah right how's thebackgroundhere's a bit tight well when we get tothis endwe'll give it a stretch get back into itheysit down give me your handsstretch your back out let's stretch leanforwardit's frustrating making me back hurtswhen i'm trying to do things like thisand i know i can do it like it

beach if my back didn't hurt you knowwithout a problem but yeahit just gets frustrating with your backso tight you knowfrustration's just part of the part yeahthat's your mate i just got to put upwith it suck it in andyeah harden up a bit mate let's walkback and let's just keep goingmick is loving this and i'm so gladbecause i'm pushingmick into the area thinking that he'sgoing to get out there and participate

not hide from the fact of he's a big guyat the moment because that's all goingto change[Music]oh that's a bit hard work those legs allrightgood headed back over here nowi don't like to think of failure so inever had that thought in my head at alli'm not fine to go nowremember this guy couldn't stand up formore than three minutes when we startedtoday he walked the beach he's only

backwards at alldo you think about your brother whileyou're training do you think about thechanges that could have happenedbeforehand does it upset you does itmake youwant to do more well i do think about mybrother when i'm training because it itdrives me to keep building because iknow i've got to be around for his kidsandhopefully walking down the aisle one daywith me meow meow's not around so

around for them what about youand hopefully find yourself a girl mateand walk down the islandmaybe have a couple of tin lids and justbe happy and be able to bring him to thebeach andenjoy the beach life and and show themwhat it's all abouthow much fun you can have which is freefor the next four weeksmick is on his own with no lead to drivehimand his resolve to lose even more weight

a major roadblockthe first four weeks i just started offwith like a bullet of the gate i wasgoing really well going to the gym everyday and sort of built myself up togetting there twice a day and doing likeatwo-hour cardio session and then i don'tknow i just had thissudden just lost all my enthusiasm toget to the gymmentally you want to because it's inyour head that you want to do it you

but your body just can't take feels likei've gone downhill a little bitthe last couple of weeks which i'mdisappointed inhard to explain the temptation that youhave when you're looking at food andyou're saying to yourself yeah you canhave that little bit extra and it's hardto say no to food when you've been sucha big eaterand and you're always thinking thattomorrow's going to be a new day andsomething wonderful is going to happen

eatenextra the day before i wish i could justswitch off and say no but it'ssomething in your mind just playsreplaceplays funny buggers with you you knowi actually do need somebody to get meand push me andbefore i don't like letting people downso if people arewilling to put the time in for me i wantto give them abit of satisfaction back and what

bit back soyeah i do need somebody to push me alongi thinkgoing into his second weigh-in mickalmost fears seeing his trainer leeagain[Music]so mick let's see how we've been goingokay last couple of weeks yep anotherwaysee what you've done what you haven'tdone so everything's thathow do you think you've been going um

actuallyhad a couple of down weeks which ummightmaybe put me on behind the eight ball alittle bit but nothing that i'mnot too worried about i hope okay get onstep up for memate what's your start weight it's 47.7247.7so in our last weigh-in 287what's 18 kilos on 207 nickwhat's 18 kilos on 207that's what you're weighing right now

that's obvious nothing muchwait i was furious with himthe word fail fits in he has failedhimselfand i was very angry with himdisappointed with him heis on a path of self-destruction andunless i pull him back and pull him backfurther than he's been pushed beforehe will never understand this this isunacceptablelet's go over the ring you want to havea spa we're going to sort this out we're

work out what's going onbecause it's unacceptable realityis going to come back and eat in theface he's already lost a brotherhe's on the verge of losing his life andif he doesn't change it nowand this is the last time he'll get thechance again he might as wellwalk away now i want you to starttelling me what you think you haven'tdone or what you think you have doneokay where do you think you're goingwrong what's happened

couple of weeksand i've never i probably don'texercise as much as i should maybeeating a little bit too muchhands up how can you go so well then sobadhow can you hands up okaywhen you're ready there's no bully aboutthis this is reality this is realand if he doesn't change it and hedoesn't own up to himself and he stopsbeing the big kid who crawls back homeand sits on the couch and

need to do rather thantaking care of himself hey call that abully or call that someone who cares[Music]come on mick come oncome on what are you doing this for meor youhuh who made itwho mecome on he was doing it for me ownbenefit it wasn'ti didn't take it the wrong way and iwish he probably would have whacked me a

come on what are you doing this footagefinecome on come on come on what did youstart this forwhy who you lettingwho are you letting down myself who areyou letting downyourselfwhy whyand the people that love me who are yourbrotherwhy'd you be doing this to your brotherright

emotional getting in the ring of leaguehe's asking me who i'm doing it for andi wasi'm doing it for myself and he'sbringing up my brother and things likethat so i justit just just got too much for me youknow and i justi don't know just as a man mate youdon't like to cry but sometimes you justyou got to and i think everybody criessometime or another[Music]

wake-up call right nowright now right nowis any of this going to work i hope sois any of it going to workright at the moment mate i don't believeyou i seriouslydo not believe you just why nick notfocusingnot focusing that's a whole excuse foryour whole lifethat's right when are you going to takeresponsibility for what you've done heyhe wants to achieve 100 kilos he wants

in love he wants to have kidsthis what he did doesn't say thatprobably things i really need to hearand what he was saying is justwhat's true i'm doing it for myself i'mdoing it for my brothersi'm doing it for his kids and probablythat's what i really needed to hear andjustto um and just let it out and make justget upset about itwhen you're ready you come back to meshe can't believe everyone's so good and

just a couple of weeks and[Music]i got to pick myself up mate let's moveonwhether your natureday one again day onesorry mate[Music]step down again for me driven by trainerlee campbellour 247 kilo man mixwelding lost 40 kilos in 40 daysyour weight today is

he put back on a shocking 18 kilosin less than four weeks what's 18 kiloson 207225 that's what you'll weighright now lee no longer trusts mick toexercisedaily so he's going to monitor his everymoveokay mick nevermind this is yournext best friend right okay your onlineelectronic personaltrainer because you're too dependent onme when i'm not here okay

everythingyou're doing sleeping walking how manycalories you're burning a dayto your best friend okay you'll downloadit send it to me every nightlet's go lee's about to ensure mickregretsfalling off the wagon so tell me whathappens when i go awayyou're too dependent on me you've gotthe infection in your legbut you're eating wrong you weren'texercised you didn't exercise for weeks

rightrespect's on your arm can you get moveoverit's bothering me that i think he's gotmore there but he hasn't been giving usmorecome on not giving up nowkeep going there's more in the tank andwe need to get that out of him everysingle dayhe needs to start working on his ownpush through it and this is where hefell down last time he didn't do

while i was away he failedagain at you know maintaining alifestyle that's healthyand a longer happier healthier life keepit going mickcome on get up over the hillokay both down slow down three threethreebreathe breathehow does it make you feel when you'resort of putting in such an effortit starts hurting after a while when yourealize you're actually doing things

just feel like should i keep going andjust frame your hands up in the end i'mnot sort of one thati don't like from the town i never giveup you know like it'swhatever i do i try to give them 100 youknow come on get the legs going againthat's quite a challenge mate[Music]he may be discomforted by the size he isand he did say oha lot of times it just hurts too muchwell you are that big for a reason

[Music]what happened at the end here i don'tknow mate justdump your ankle like nothing nothingmajor matenothing major nothing going to stop youjust a quick spill for a restyou've got to help me out you got tostart working that hard that was greatgood job but you knowthat needs to be every day every day youneed to finish thisyou need to finish it strong it's up to

the eyes of the you know the window tothe souls this guy'sgonna do it and he's going to prove toeverybody out there thatit can be done andmake a better life for himselfprobably still a little bit behind wherei probably should bei just had a bit of a speed up and ijust let myself go a bit andprobably didn't do the training andeat how i should have been eating andunfortunately put on some kilos and that

actually just get right into this andjust have a real good crack at itit's been a different me mate it's justi'mso focused now it's just it's justunbelievablebut behind all the big talk mick isn'tlosing weightand he's struggling to find the energyto keep up his exercise regimethe data from the sensor armband mighttell us whyaccording to this um the new armband and

gettingthree four five hours of sleep at nightandwhich is probably not enough man theysay you need seven to eight hours ofsleep at nightso mick needs to find out why he'sgetting so little sleepeven without realizing it brendanwhat i'm going to do today is just asksome questions about your sleeptell me about your smoothies i've notedthat i've snorted [ __ ] all my life but

sometimes at night i fall asleep in thelounge and i'msnoring and overriding the volume of thetelevision you know soall right i noticed when i wake up inthe morning if i get up and have a cupof tea in the morningand sit down to watch the morning newsor something i'll doze off againright after i've just woken up soobviously i'm not getting enough sleepdo it all night so what i plan to dois organize for you to have a sleep

which means sleeping overnight in asleep laboratorythere is a very severe form of sleepapnea wherepatients not only have very very badsleep apnea but they also havewhat we call respiratory failure duringthe day and also during the nightand as a consequence of that they arerisk of developingheart failure and all the complicationsthat go with thatremember his overweight brother died of

the doctor's words are a harsh reminderto mick of what he's facingbeing this big yeah i was a little bitworried what was going to happen butas i got here just all the nerves wentaway and just felt comfortable witheverybody so it was goodall right jeez buddy thank you[Music]i guess not to beat around the bush yoursleep study that you had during thenightwas very abnormal and it was

apneaduring the night you are stoppingbreathing115 causesper hour that's not goodand with that the auction level actuallydrops down to about 50 percentbut the treatment you need now is to usea thing called a cpap machine it's adevice that you wear at night time andit's like a reverse vacuum cleanernick will wear the machine every nightto stabilize his breathing

just going to give me more energy forthe day to accomplish more as inmore exercise and getting up and arounda little bit more rather than just umsitting and watching television doingnothing andthat's not actually helping me to losethe weight will more sleepand better sleep be the answer to mick'sweight loss battleor are even more desperate measuresneeded[Music]

exercising for 20 weekswe've taught him how to eat well tosleep welland to trim the weight off keep it goingbut nowit's up to him and mick is finding ittougher than everthere's nothing else i can do for himi've spentdays on days and weeks and weeks tryingto help this guysupporting him being there emotionallyphysically for him

so i'm at the end of the road with himthe weight-wise i've just hit a littlebit of a hurdle when i'm trying tofind it very hard to get overif anything's going to be holding me upit's got to be the portion size becauseit's not the eaton wrong or anythinglike that that is probably my biggestdownfall the volume i mean he'd lost 40and then henow he hasn't and i haven't seen himhave mcdonald's anything like thatthat's why i'm so surprised

gone down probably another 10 kilosthe whole family is in denial they won'tadmit that mick hasno control over his eating clearly hisaddiction is toopowerful and he needs a different typeof professional helpi was starting to get frustrated withsitting on this hurdle that i'm notgetting overwith weight wise that i'm hoveringaround the 230 235mark

special treatment center[Music]lucky enough mick's checked himself intoa place that specializes in foodaddictionand it's a serious illness it's aserious illness he is just addicted tofood sohe would come in the train and say ihaven't been eating i've been doing thiswell he'd sneak out during the day andnight andhe would get back into the fast foods

he's let me down immenselyum lying to me but then admitting to meand now finally admitting to himselfthat he has a big problem[Music]my goal of being here is to anythingover 20 kilos would just bejust fantastic man that put me up nearnearly the 40 kilo markhopefully um everything justpans out how i'm planning on by far thebiggest factor in this in in theirjourney towards health is

umdiet and exercise play an important rolebut if if the person doesn't have theright mentality then you can have allthe information in the world and itmakes no differenceor you can have someone with the rightattitude that knows nothing aboutnutrition or exercise and they'llachieve results i'm finding the foodactuallyreally nice the portions i'm strugglinga little bit with

meals in our snacksat certain times every every day soi'm actually not want to eat so muchyou never really see improvements onyourself but everybody seems to saythey're seeing some improvements in meso hopefully come friday when ourweigh-ini should have to get a good resultmick's been at the new u health centerfor three weekshe's got no idea how much weight he'slost

eating i'm not hiding anything like iwas before i'm notlying to anyone i'm just honest and justwant to live healthy and lose thisweightthe experience that i've had here at newyou is just unbelievablejust changed my whole mindset on myattitude iwant to lose weight and everythingi have found a new happiness withinmyself that's our supermanyeah high five

last few years so i've been lacking abit ofsocialising just to meet a new group offriends andand have good times and have a laugh andand just it's been great it's a supportthat's brought happiness out and youknowthis is me um fourth week at new yorkjust it's thelast wave for after the four weeks sohopefully everything goes well i'm a bitbit nervous to tell you the truth so

how i go well you put in all the workmade for methat's right i've done nothing in themiddlethat's it the numbers will be what whatit'll be that's right so i just got tofocus on how you're feeling internallyyeah exactlythat's right all right let's do it mate[Music]remember 25 weeks ago this man weighednearly 250 kilosit's nearly 200 days since mick spalding

and save his life i'm lost for words heis honestlywalking death he started this journey at247 kiloshe's lost it your weight today is207. that's not real i just i can'tbelieve itput it back on mate what have you beendoingwhat have you been doing faced hishealth issues your sleep study that youhad during the nightwas consistent with having very severe

finally started to beat his addictionwith strictresidential care now he has to facewhether he's winningor losing the battletwo hundred and thirteen point fourhundred and thirteen point fourtwenty new beauty yeah well there's nostopping me nowseeing the numbers coming down i justwanna keep going and just push as hardas i can 19.119.1 20.
expectations to lose 20 kilos i'monly 0.9 of a kilo short on your champthanks mikepleasure to have you here thank youin the ten months we spent with mick herode anincredible roller coaster i didn't thinkit was going to be such a strugglejust changing all the habits that i didhave mentally and physicallyhe's lost 50 kilos but it was never easywhat are you doing this for me or youhuh

  • another when i was at my heavies andjust sitting atlike home light had turned off in myhead it was just nothingi'd seen no positive things in life ijust didn't want to get out and doanything you know like that was probablythe worst thing to me the worst part ofmy life that i've [ __ ] experiencedyou know i justthat was probably the darkest point inyour life just being that that heavymix now lost enough weight to qualify

    and his life has changed dramaticallygot more confidence now i'm back at workfeeling fitter healthier yeah that ringsthereis that that just being able to dothings a lot easier which i couldn't doeight to nine months agoyou can't see about your glassit's always good to get back in thetruckload because i always love truckson the days of mechanic andalways driven trucks and always beenaround trucks all my life everything

    you just got to make it a goal and thenput into actionand a decent working life is not theonly thingmick has regained positive thing thati've got out ofgetting fit and healthy is thegetting an erection back again which waswhich wasn't happening until10 months ago you know just was justlimp and it wasn't happening andthings i thought to myself well god hecan't be washed up for 34

    back in operationbut i had a funny experience the firsttime i got her back in operation was umabout to do the deed and um didn't lasttoo long and she goes well you're acheap shouti said yeah well it's been a while so umgive us a couple of minutes and we'll goaround two ways[Music]you