hey what's up my name is elena aka frombuffet if you're new to this channel i'man online weight loss coach who'sdedicated to calling out all the bs inthe fitness industry and providing youwith accurate fitness nutrition andweight loss information i wanted to justlike pop in for hopefully like aquickish video to give you some simplefive simple mindset shifts that you canmake that will help you be successful onyour weight loss journey and likerethink things so that you can be
enjoyable and you put less pressure onyourself and you're less miserablethat's my main goal i want to get youthe weight loss you're looking for but ialso want to take care of every otheraspect of you as a person we want youhappy healthy all that stuff veryquickly before we jump into the meat ofthe video i want to let you know that iam doing a live master class on january15th at noon pacific standard timecalled the one thing you need to achievesustainable weight loss no it's not a
though calorie deficit is required youcan come and get your questions answeredand if you can't make it live i will besending out the replay too but if youcome live you'll also kind of get accessto a special offer so you want to comelive if you can the link to register forthat is going to be in the descriptionand pinned in the first comment okaymindset shift number one this one isdiet specific i've been seeing thisadvice more and more so you may haveheard it before but if you haven't yet
rather than thinking about what you cantake away restriction is so common whenit comes to weight loss and dieting butusually not successful instead think ofwhat you can add instead of what you cantake away so instead of taking away thejunk food junk food i have a videoabout junk food if you want to hear mywhole opinion on that i'm not going toget into that rant today add insomething to make that junk food alittle bit better so my favorite thinglike i love pizza my husband i love
pizza is i'll make sure i have a saladwith that pizza i'll also sometimesorder wings for extra protein now isanybody out here claiming that likewings are healthy no but the extraprotein will help you feel moresatisfied from that meal you're likelygoing to eat less pizza without eventrying because you've got more to themeal than just the pizza another fun wayto think about this is stephaniegrassoon tiktok she has this whole series
think would all agree are not that greatand she puts them into a recipe thatmakes it just overall better my favoriteone because i'm a pizza rolls kind ofgal like i said pizza pizza pizza shetakes these pizza rolls and she makesthis likesoup but like as a diplooks incredible i think she also did itwith like ramen chicken nuggets likethink about how you can add instead oftaking those things away it will make abig difference in your relationship with
because if you're having fun and ifyou're realistic about what you canaccomplish diet wise you're way morelikely to stick to things long term andbe successful number two what is theleast that you could do to get theresults that you're looking for likebare minimum how can you get theseresults i'll phrase it a different waymy business coach said this because i'mjust like you know a weight loss fitnessnutrition personwho needs to make money off of my
business side of things and she alwaysused to say if you look at a situationespecially one that's stressing you outor feeling very overwhelming askyourself how could this be easy howcould i make this easyi love it as someone who likes to be acrazy perfectionist and do the most allthe time it helps me figure out how tojust chill a little bit and make thingseasier on myself and so the whole pointi'm going to give you a little hint thismaster class the one thing you need to
thing is minimum effective dose so i'mgonna go in depth in this whole masterclass talking about what you need tofocus on and what you don't need tofocus on when it comes to weight loss inorder to get the results that you'relooking for so i'm gonna go into depthabout what's the least that you need todo to get the results you're looking forit's a game changer again to registerlink in the description and pin in thecomments hope to see you there mindsetshift number three this is something
industry people assume that they need tolike make fitness like everyone's likefitness is a lifestyle you know this isa lifestyleeveryone's always saying that when itcomes to like fitness especially likethe gym bros and like the fit checksright it's lifestyle i don't know wherethat voice is coming from and i kind ofagree with that but here's the issue alot of us will hear that and say likeokay i need to replicate this person'slifestyle who is successful meaning like
week i need to go to the gym five timesa week they meal prep their food i needto meal prep my food like that's thelike there's a lifestyle and we have tonow fit into that lifestyle in order tofind successthat's not true how i want you to thinkabout it is how do you fitthe things necessary to get results intoyour lifestyle okay so if you hatelifting weights if you hate mealprepping don't do it figure out how toget similar results and do similar
you so like in my weight loss coursewhich is also opening for enrollmentafter that master class happening onjanuary 15th in case you want some extrasupport this year with your weight lossthe whole point is i teach you but likeokay this is how you get results fitnesswise this is how you get results dietwise now here's like a general frameworklike a skeleton that you plug thingsinto based on your unique needs so theoutcome of my weight loss course isbuilding like an ultra custom strategy
what your needs are and what you wantyour lifestyle to look like okay sodon't fit yourself into the fitnesslifestyle fit that lifestyle into you ifthat makes sense mindset shift numberfour and this is something that i gotfrom a consultation that i did i wasdoing a consultation and this is verycommon i'm not singling this person outand she was like okay i'm here becausei'm not getting the results that i'mlooking for i want to be x weight on thescale and i have problems with having a
i'm not going to get into that right nowshe's like i want to be x weight but ican't get there like it's not happeningi just want to lose these last like fivepounds or whatever it is so she said thewords i feel better my clothes fitbetter i can see a difference in themirror but the scaleisn't doing what i want it to i'mparaphrasing and i was likepause i'm gonna repeat what i just heardyou're feeling betteryour clothes fit better you see a
period forget that last part of likebuttbut the scale isn't moving what aboutall that other stuffand i talk about why you want to loseweight a lot like coming up with a clearwhy and that being your main focusrather than like the number on the scalewhich is why i'm not a fan of having agoal weight because you want to focus onthe y not the number because the numberdoesn't actually matter but you'reliterally telling me that you're
out to lose weight but you're still nothappy because the scale hasn't done whatyou wanted to let's zoom out a littlebit and rethink this okay so rather thani'm feeling better am i close bit betteri like the way that i look in the mirrorinsert other thing like i can play withmy kids longer for me it's like i canchase my dog around the dog park longerbutthe scale isn't doing what i want we'regoing to change that toothe scale isn't doing what i want
same exact wordsdifferent orderhuge difference in the way that you'reviewing your weight loss journeyam i right and mindset shift number fivekind of already touched on this a littlebit about like fitting fitness into yourlifestyle rather than the other wayaround but like put the fun back andexercise i see this happen because likethere's so many diets out there andthere are also so many different workoutprograms out there but i just feel like
think we have to do it a certain waymaybe that's true for diet too but wewant to lose the weight and there'ssomebody out there who's like this isthe best this is the best exerciseprogram for weight loss this is how youhave to do it and we think we need to dothat exactly but that's not the case inmy course i teach you the differenttypes of exercise that you should beincorporating but also how to do that ina way that works for you if you don'tlike weight lifting don't do weight
workouts you can do yoga which is somuch more challenging than people thinkit is in terms of like strength pilateskickboxing pole dancing like there's somany fun exercises that you can do thatwill get you to your goal and now if youwant to be a bodybuilder i come from abodybuilding background i've done twobikini competitions if you want to be abodybuilder you're gonna have to liftweights but i think most people don'twant thatlike you would be happy and even if you
happy with some kind of lower levelversion of that in terms of likephysique goals if you just shifted yourmindset a little bit and refocused onwhy you're even doing this in the firstplace so most people don't need to bedoing that i'm not sitting here sayingthat you can get those exact results bylike doing pole dancing what i'm sayingis that you can have funand exercise and still get amazingresults so your job is kind of to figureout what result am i looking for and is
me there i'm not saying either thatyou're gonna love every second ofworking out because that's just not truefor some people i got back in the gymfor the first time last week granted iwas pmsing but i was literally fightingback tears between my sets because ilove it so much and i didn't do it forso long for a bunch of reasons that i'mnot going to get into and even then eventhough i feel that way aboutweightlifting there are still many manydays where i do not want to go to the
gonna love every second of working outand that there's a workout program outthere it's gonna make you cry becauseyou love it so much what i am saying isyou can probably add some fun back inmake your life a little bit moreenjoyable while still getting thoseresults you're looking for you do nothave to be miserable okay so those arethe five mindset shifts i think we gotthis done quickly like i wanted ifyou're itching for more from me or justabout weight loss i have very many many
you want something more in depth alsocome to that master class on january15th the one thing you need to achievesustainable weight loss which is minimumeffective dose register with the link inthe description here and pin in thefirst comment okay comment any mindsetshifts actually i did a poll oninstagram and asked people to sharetheir own simple mindset shifts thathelp them so maybe i'll set up like agoogle document that i can share withyou guys of like what other people are
to make that it will also be in the justlinked in the description but comment asimple mindset shift that really helpedyou out because you would be helpingsomebody else out and don't forget tolike and subscribe you can also followme on tick tock and on instagram thankyou guys so much for watching i'll seeyou in the next videobye