Five WEIGHT LOSS MYTHS that are SABOTAGING Your Success!

why yes it is january and everybody intheir fitness trainer wants to talk toyou about losing weight faster andbetter and moreand yeah i mean me too it's why we'rehere talking about weight loss iactually do want to help you lose weightbetter and that is why today we aretalking about the top five weight lossmyths that are sabotaging your successhey killer bees it's paula b your bestmiddle aged fitness friend and aroundhere we are all about making peace with

healthy weight and moving in ways thatfeel like self-love and you know whatreally feels like self-lovenot falling for all the hype this timeof year there are so many people whowant to give you all of these directionsabout how to lose weight and some ofthemare really not good for you so today i'mbreaking them down we're going to figureout what's wrong with them and we'regoing to figure out what to do that'seven better so that you can have all the

weight loss myth number one is that yougotta want it real bad and i will tellyouthis totally sounds like something thati used to say like like to me this oneit's a myth certainly but it's notnecessarily bad adviceit's just kind ofgeneric and possibly even brand newtrainer kind of advicewe know as fitness trainers that you doabsolutely have to be determined youhave to be focused you have to be

order to lose weight but when we tellyou that you have to want itwe're kind of reinforcing something thatisn't helpful for you here's why this issabotaging your success have you everthought aboutthe energy of what it feels like to wantsomething real bad it doesn't feel gooddoes it when i want something real badthere's that feeling of likedesperation and there's almost like alittle bit of a background bias thatthat maybe i can't have that thing that

weight loss in terms of like thedifference between wanting somethingreal bad andnot wanting something real bad butsomething else that's going to be evenbetter for you think about it when youmeet an aloof cat presuming that youactually like cats i do and that's whywhen i meet an aloof cat i feel thatdesperate i want to be your friend letme pet you kind of energy and needlessto say the first thing that cat will dois just run away from me nobody likes

when i meet an aloof cat and i know forsure of course we're gonna be friends ofcourse you're gonna love me of courseyou're gonna come over here and you areeventuallymight take a while but eventually goingto ask me for petsthat calm confidence of being like yeahobviously i'm here we're good i'llscreech and scratch your head whenyou're ready for itthat's the kind of energy that actuallyhelps you get results

about your weight loss is going to makeall the difference yes you do need to becalm and focused and determined but youdon't actually need to want to loseweight in order to be successful at itweight loss myth number two is thatlosing weight over 50 is so much harderthan it used to be you guys i hear thisone on the daily and i tell you what ifeel a rant coming onlet me justlosing weight over 50 isn't harder haveyou ever thought about what that feels

harder i honestly think that this iseven worse than the desperation energyof wanting something there's thatfeeling of defeatof despair even like oh this is sohard i used to be good at something andnow i'm not that's rough and i will tellyou honestlylosing weight over 50 isn'tharderit's just differentnow for some of you you might hear thatwe're different and it might not feel a

the word differentit means to me that i just have to learna new skill againmaybe that doesn't sound good i knowlearning a new skill also it takes someenergy it takes some time it takes somefocus but learning a new skill is withinmy control i canlearn a new skill you canlearn a new skill and in fact the skillthat you need to learn is kind of thesame skills that we've always had it'sjust applying them in a different way

we have to treat itdifferently we have to eat differentlywe have to move differently we probablyhave to sleep differently maybe drinkwater differently we definitely need tomanage our minds i mean for sure we needto manage our minds because if we'retelling ourselves that it's hardit's gonna feel hardbut if we're telling ourselves that it'sdifferentthat hopefully leaves you feeling moreopen more in control and more ready to

skill that's going to get you everyplace you want to goweight loss myth number three is thateating healthy is all you need to domy friends eating healthy is so good foryou i'm never going to tell you not toeat healthy so hear what i'm saying herewith whatever grains ofnot actually salt you want to hear itwitheatinghealthydoesn't quite get you where you want to

of food the thing that changes yourweight on the scale is to eat the rightamount of food eating healthy is reallygood i mean here's here's why you mightwant to eat healthy you can eat more andi don't mean more like calories i meanmore like volume of food like four cupsof salad is fewer calories than like onesmall portion of like a frozen burritoyou can eat a larger volumeof food and have fewer calories buthealthy food still has calories andthere's the real danger of not eating

won't be losing weight and i gotta tellyouthe thing the thing that might actuallybe sabotaging you here is that by eatinghealthy foods you might not be eatingenough i know i know this is the mostcounterintuitive thing you're going tohear all day but i have to tell you ihave worked with thousands of women whoare actually under eatingat our agewe do not recover from stress the way weused to and one of the forms of stress

is not eating enoughi know that sounds nutsbut when you are eating the right amountof food it doesn't matter as much ifit's healthy or unhealthy i know thatsome of you are like paula's telling usto eat unhealthy no i'm actually tellingyou to eat the foods that you alreadylike and know and feel comfortable within the portion sizes that are the rightamount of food and then as you loseweight as you get healthier as youfollow along on this journey and you're

naturally and on purposemake healthier choices simply goingdirectly to i'm going to eat all healthyall the time and it's all i'm going todoisn't necessarilygoing to make you lose weight and in thesame vein like right here with the thesame myth is that eating a specific wayeating like at certain times of day oreating keto or low carb those aren'tmagically going to make you lose weighteither if you're not eating the right

of food if you are under eating orovereating some people domost of the plants i work with areactually under eating but if you areeating the wrong amountyour body won't lose weight the thingthat drives weight loss is eating theright number of calories for you and iunderstand that calories might besomething that you don't want to thinkabout you don't want to talk about and itotally get that there are actuallyother ways to calculate what you need

consistently the right amount withoutcounting calories i actually have anentire video about that and we can talkabout that over there but for now let mejust tell you that eating healthy in andof itselfis actually a myth and it might be thething that's sabotaging your weight lossweight loss myth number four is thatexercise burns fat okaythis one's not wrongbut it's also not right and really thereason that it's sabotaging your success

there's nothing about exercise thatmagically turns on some like switch thatyour body's like whoa now i'm burningfatthe thing that createsfat burning in your body is to be in aslight caloric deficitover time and when you are here's thegreat news when you are in that slightcaloric deficit you'll be burning fatwhen you're sleeping you'll be burningfat when you're watching tv you'll beburning fat when you're brushing your

driving to work you'll be burning fatall day long becauseit's that slight caloric deficitthat's creating the fat burning it's notyour exercise i know exercise totallyfeels like it burns fat though rightlike we get sweaty it feels like we'redoing something it feels very active i'mnot telling you not to exercise trust mei'm not telling you not to exercise i'mtelling you to exercise super healthysuper good for you i love to exercisebut you might not be burning fat and

you might actually be storing fatbecause you're exercisingtoo muchi know because this is what we're goingto talk about weight loss myth numberfiveis that eat less and move morecould actually be that problemand not the solutionwhat we here eat less and move more allthe timeeverybody knows that's how you loseweight but my friends here on menopause

that could actually be the reasonyou have weight to lose if you have beeneating less less less and exercisingmore more moreyour body perceives both of those thingsas stress and right nowwe do not have as much estrogen as weused to have and estrogenweirdly besides doing the obvious thatit always did all those years itactually helps us regulate stressyeahthat means that if we are exercising

well if we are eating less our body isperceiving that as famine when you arein a stress mode from famine or overexercising or any of the other reasonswhy we might have stress in our livesyour bodyis going to respond to that biologicallyby storing fatmy friendsmuch much much better than eating lessand moving more is eating the rightamount and movingthe right amount and a couple of other

of water sleeping every night andmanaging your mindset my friends i havean entirefree program that talks all about how tolose weight without the hype without themyths without the deprivation withoutall the problems that we might find fromgetting somejanuary weight loss advicei have a video about it right here and afree download for you in the descriptionbox below there's a url right here onthe screen too in case you can't find

program and ican help you through this whole year notjust january losing the right amount ofweight for you thank you so much forwatching i'll see you in the next video